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help restore


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Can someone please help. I Started cleaning my computer out by deleting files my kids put every where. I started cleaning out our pic. folder and noticed I was deleting the wrong ones. I pushed cancel and it stoped, but the one file I need is gone. I checked the recycling bin and nothing was in there. I believe I see it in my CCleaner file but I can't restore it. How do I restore files sitting there waiting to be deleted?



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welcome to the wondorful world of ccleaner!!!

did you click analyze? if so, it didnt really delete it.

what do you mean by, files just sitting there, waiting to be deleted?

im not sure but i dont think that ccleaner deletes pictures and such.

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i dont think that ccleaner deletes pictures and such.


If the files are stored in a temporary folder (a big no no), or were sent to the Recycle Bin then CCleaner can very well delete them since they'd be residing in junk areas that are cleaned - that is if those options are enabled within CCleaner.

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... I started cleaning out our pic. folder....



also, if you did delete them, you might want to try to recover them using a program before they are over written. that all depends on how much hard drive space you have though.

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When I deleted the files I wanted deleting in my pic folder it began deleting pic I did not want to deleted. So I canceled and I don't know where it went. Because I know you can go into the recycling bin and restore deleted files but it was not in there. But the ccleaner shows stuff from the recycling bin that has not been deleted yet. So I think it just may be sitting there. I just don't see an option to restore, when I right click it saves as a text file.


also, if you did delete them, you might want to try to recover them using a program before they are over written. that all depends on how much hard drive space you have though.


how do I do that?


i guess my rall question to the point is, can you get files back to origanal state if they are showing in the ccleaner and have not yet been deleted?

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Only let your kids have restricted accounts which do not have administrator privilegies to prevent them from doing too much harm.


Also, do backups of files that are important to you.


Also you dont need clean the computer by deleting pictures because pictures are typically very small files. It is better idea to uninstall software that is rarerly or never used. And delete big files such as games and movies.


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it works great for me.

you just have to know what your looking for.

the file is called REST2514 and make sure to read the readme first.

the download came from HERE from a previous post^^^

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