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Latest CCleaner version cleaning speed issues


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Hi I was having trouble with chrome files not deleting after following both fixes in the pinned post so updated to the latest version and that issue now seems to be gone.However since getting the latest version I've ran 2 scans and both have taken over 700 seconds! The old version I used took 30 secs tops.Is this a known issue and is there any fix? I just ran one more to ensure it wasn't a glitch it removed 0.50MB and took 732 seconds.



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Try unticking Internet Explorer History. (If you don't use ie).

This seems to be the main culprit, it's all to do with changes Microsoft have made to ie which means CCleaner takes a longer time to check/clean it.

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:


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Thanks for the reply I had to untick all edge and IE boxes to get it to work normally but that still leaves the issue of files from them I don't want (downloads sometimes leave files in IE etc).I've seen a post in the bugs forum about the previous version 5.40 working normally I think I'll have to uninstall and go back to that version.Cheers

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I don't use IE or Edge so for a few versions now I have unticked all of their entries EXCEPT for Internet Explorer > Temporary internet files.

Other Microsoft (and some other 3rd party, like Adobe) software uses that location for temporary storage so, as you say, there will be files in there even if you don't use IE.

As for the rest that you have unticked you can always check them occasionally by right clicking on the greyed out item, but TBH the only other one in use is IE > cookies, which gets a 'depracated' cookie that can't be removed. (Well it can but Windows will just recreate it again).


I look at it this way, CC shows IE and Edge because they are the default Windows browsers.
But if you're not using them then they don't need cleaning, except for IE Temporary internet files.
Just like you wouldn't try to clean Chrome or Firefox if you are not using them.

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:


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Depending upon what software can use IE to store Temporary Internet Files some will also automatically set cookies rather you want them or not, I've personally seen some antivirus do that over the years when they're downloading updates.

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If adobe is using the same location then it's apps login page will be using Trident. So they are using IE uner the hood hence the location. Companys like that will follow basic rules. Program files fro programs, app data for application data.

if Trident is being used which likely is, it's IE engine so yes it will store there.

End of te day buddy it's a text file.

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