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Error message when updating free version of CCleaner and when upgrading to professional version


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I'm a long time user of the free version of CCleaner with no issues in using it or upgrading it as new versions come out. When I tried to update to the most recent two versions (5.34 and 5.35), I got an error message "Error opening file for writing" "C:\Program files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe". I tried removing the program and re downloading it and I've since updated to the Professional version and downloaded it, but I continue to get the same error message. Thanks for any help.

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Since you're a paid user, don't forget you can get priority support from the developers.


That said, many people have had this difficulty lately. Are you saying that with ccleaner uninstalled you are still getting the cannot overwrite error? If you navigate to c:\program Files\ccleaner (or where your ccleaner is if you customized the install path) and confirm there are no files in there.




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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Exact same problem here. Unable to install CC version 535 due to "error opening file for writing".  Running Windows 10. Tried to install as administrator but same problem; installation fails every time. This only happened after uninstalling the previous version that was infected with malware. 

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Since you're a paid user, don't forget you can get priority support from the developers. That said, many people have had this difficulty lately. Are you saying that with ccleaner uninstalled you are still getting the cannot overwrite error? If you navigate to c:\program Files\ccleaner (or where your ccleaner is if you customized the install path) and confirm there are no files in there.

What you posted here resolved my version 535 installation difficulties. I had in fact uninstalled the CCleaner previous version using the windows uninstaller, however I found there were was still a CCleaner folder in Program Files. The files contained in the folder were somehow locked and could not be manually deleted even with Admin account. I had to download Revo Uninstaller Pro to remove these files and registry entries. Once those locked files were deleted, I was able to install CCleaner version 535 installed without any problems. Thanks!

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I had been using an older version just fine v4.xx.  I tried updating to 5.35 but keep getting the error 

Error opening file for writing:


Click Abort to stop the installation,

Retry to try again, or

Ignore to skip this file.


Hitting Ignore through this file and at least 20 finishes with 5.35 is installed and the check box for starting it is checked.  However, nothing opens.  When searching the computer, CCleaner is not installed anywhere.  I am running Windows 7 Home Premium.  I've uninstalled the prior version and deleted all previous CCleaner folders and exe versions.  I even deleted the new exe setup and redownloaded it.  However I am getting the exact same error.  I am running it as Administrator.  The setup does not ask me where I want to install it so I can't change the 0 folder to another folder like someone suggested above.  What else can I try?  It seems several people are having this problem so it has to have a fix somewhere.


Thank you,

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Well Cindy it looks like you've tried most things (kudos to you :) )


Only a couple of things I can think of to try at the moment are installing in safe mode or disabling User Account Control then trying the install (then turn it straight back on)


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just in case you haven't, check Task Manager that CCleaner.exe isn't running.


it sounds like you have covered most of the following, but this list usually gets the job done; :)

    uninstall your current version first.
    then go into the Program Files folder for CC and delete its contents (keep the .ini file if you have customised settings).
    download the latest build from here; https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds
    reboot the PC
    install CC from your downloaded file.

if no luck, try the install with the PC in Safe Mode (as @hazelnut suggested).  and also try the other builds, like Slim or Portable.

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