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Pile driving the old way


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My brother is an structural engineer and sent me this........enjoy

Subject: Pile-driving in Pakistan, you've got to watch this ....
Don’t know about the maths – no my field but reads good
If you’re not an engineer some of the calculations may escape you, but don’t worry, the video explains all the calculations in one go !!
Something to cheer-up the Engineer in you.  Just to put you in the picture and keep you up to date with the latest developments.
Below is a link to a short video of a Pakistani pile driving construction technique!
The chant is also catchy!
Now, let's analyse the Engineering here:
6 men x 180 lbs = 1080 lbs static force.
Jumping up and down will create a 3 times dynamic effect = 3240 lbs/jump = 1.6 ton thumps if the pile is tapered to 2 in x 2 in, cross section at the tip = 4 sq. in. So, dynamic pressure/thump at pile tip = 3240/4 = 800 psi. "Add a man" feature will increase to 950 psi, so buy the option!
Increase the chant and dynamic force goes up to 5 times to bring max. pressure   /   thump to 1600 psi for a 7 man team.
Quite good, and will penetrate hard clay and sandy soil (but not hard or rocky ground!) Pretty ingenious.  
Oh, the foreman is the guy on the tambourine.  



Always With Kind Regards


"one is never too old to listen & learn"

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Ahhh, the simplest ways are the best !

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