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Norton Prevents CCleaner installation ?


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I have used C Cleaner for years no issues great tool.Recently changed laptop came with Norton security all fine and dandy till.....

When I try to install C Cleaner it appears to prevent me.It also happens when I try and install phone clean by imobie.co

Both programmes have an element of cleaning which is the only thing they have in common.I have after running the Norton scan selected trust files ,Norton says safe etc but will not let me install them.

up comes the window windows 8 do you want this programme to make changes etc ......YES

Up come the install window for milli seconds then disappears.

Have tired to install by disabling Norton and disconnecting from the web but still no joy.

Details of what Norton says clearly in itself CC.

I have included details of the other programme which shows its not a CC issue maybe

Any help am desperate to clean out my old files and CC

thks in advance for your help




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