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I have files unable to be removed


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On my desktop, I have three "ghost files" which cannot be removed. I downloaded .torrent files and they were there among normal torrents. They came as a set of two with exactly the same name (which is strange!) with the size of 10 KB ~ 20 KB and they are easily removed. You can right-click on the "ghost files" to show properties , but unable to rename or delete because of zero size. I tried everything from CCleaner to AVG and no idea what to do.



1. They came in a set of two.

2. The ghost files.




Edited by Sateros
Re-edited by moderation. Do not replace the deleted images.
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File names.. :D

Have you tried deleting them in Safemode? Or with some unlocker/remover software like Unlocker?

You also may have virus/malware on your PC, so you should scan for viruses while in Safemode.

Edited by nodles
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Of course I did Safemode and also EMCO MoveOnBoot. MoveOnBoot says "it may not exist", apparently it could not find them because of zero size. But I try Safemode scan which I didn't.

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Make a folder on the desktop and see if the files will drag into it and then try to delete it.


Or try right-click rename the files perhaps and then try to delete.


If you right click on the files and select properties do you have full control over them in the security tab?


Downloading torrents of files with such names is eventually going to get you into big trouble.


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I tried to drag it into a folder, and also to rename it for the first time. And I tried Safemode to have full control over the files, but there were no security tab.

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These can sometimes be deleted via command line apparently.


Open a command line and navigate to your desktop, which will probably be "C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Desktop"


Use the command "cd C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Desktop" (no quotes).


Then enter "del filename" (no quotes)


See if that gets shot of them.



EDIT: I chopped some images from your post to make the thread easier to navigate.

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Sateros, I've edited your first post for a second time, and I strongly suggest you don't go back and redo my edit again.


There are two reasons I edited your post.


1: It made an unnecessarily long thread, which I explained, and the images I removed aren't needed to explain your problem.


2: They contained reference to a particularly unpleasant subject, and I could, and maybe should, have closed your thread because of that.


I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and removed them with an explanation as to why without mentioning the distasteful content.


Please leave well alone, as people are trying to help you here.

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