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Update check opens both browsers


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This has been a known problem for a long time now, and I just can't understand why it hasn't been addressed. Whenever it's mentioned nobody seems to know anything about anything, and the so-called "solutions" don't work. I've seen a few mentioned and have tried them all, and they simply do not address the issue.


My default browser is Firefox. It should be the only one opening when I check for updates. It's really irritating, and a fix for it is LONG overdue at this point. The thing is I'd reckon the fix would be simple too. In fact I'd think you'd have to go out of your way to make it exhibit this behavior, considering that no other program I've ever used has done this. So it seems intentional, though I fail to see the logic in it.


I've already tried the 9 step mozillazine "fix", the Run > -nosplash, ect... "fix", and the "change default to IE, reboot, change back to FF fix"... quite simply put, none of them work. The only thing that has changed is that my favorites list is wider now (thanks to "fix" #2).


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Yeah, I hear you.

The devs should look into this.

I do thank user 'ident' for trying to help with this.


I use Opera (default) and since you have the same issue with FF, it sure seems like a ccleaner problem.

It's minor, but very annoying.


Hopefully they will listen to us.

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If you enter 'link opens two browsers' in Google there are approx 1.4 m hits, so you are not alone. I've never experienced this myself. Does IE open if you click the link with FF running? There are some clues here http://www.snarfware.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1600 but there are many posts to plough through. Does this happen if you click the link in Recuva or other Piriform software?


As I don't know the cause I don't know whether it can be resolved in CC or whether it is a pc setup problem.

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If you enter 'link opens two browsers' in Google there are approx 1.4 m hits, so you are not alone. I've never experienced this myself. Does IE open if you click the link with FF running? There are some clues here http://www.snarfware.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1600 but there are many posts to plough through. Does this happen if you click the link in Recuva or other Piriform software?


As I don't know the cause I don't know whether it can be resolved in CC or whether it is a pc setup problem.


For me, the Opera user, IE DOES NOT open if I have Opera running.

I only use ccleaner, no other Piriform software.

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I went to the snarfware site and looked at the post. A possible fix was to edit two file types in windows explorer. It might be viable, but I have not tried it.


My situation odd because I have two computers, a laptop and desktop basically set up the same, but the laptop works as it should with the desktop opening two browsers on ccleaner update.


When I compare the two file types mentioned in the snarfware forum, they are different between my two computers. I have not tried any changes though as I don't have a lot of time to devote to this minor aggravating issue.

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Yes, IE8 does still open even if I have FF open at the time. I tested that out last night because I saw it mentioned that it wouldn't. It does for me.


This is without question a CC problem, as I've now seen it on several different setups. On some only IE opens, even though FF is the default browser. Even on these setups if one were to change their default browser back to IE... then BOTH would open afterward. For me both have opened since day 1. I've even reformatted my PC since then, my setup is slightly diff. now, and the problem is the same. I think it's been established beyond any reasonable doubt at this point that the problem lies with CC.


CC is the only Piriform software I use, so I don't know if it applies to other products or not. And jwall... I have tried that file type edit you mention. That was my aforementioned "9 step process". It does not work. I've combed through all of those threads and tried every fix offered up, and none of them fixed the problem. The only thing I've found to fix it is to simply block IE from running through a Software Restriction Policy, HIPS or other. But then I'd have to re-write those rules every time I check for updates to CC, or Windows, which would amount to a bigger inconvenience than having 2 browsers open and therefore is moot.


So for now I'm just going to manually check this site for updates once a month. Like others have said, it's not a huge problem, but it is an inconvenience. What's more is it creates the impression to a first time user that the product is buggy and flawed, perhaps even malicious. When things pop open without an end users consent, that doesn't look good. Usually it's a sign of malware. You know how paranoid people are that post in security forums... something like this could easily start rumors that Piriform has gone rogue. I don't think I have to point out that that would not be in your best interest.


I don't want to make it sound like I'm bashing Piriform, or CC. It's quite to the contrary actually, I LOVE it! It's my favorite disk utility tool. This is the only problem I have with it.


I'd also like to add that telling people to modify system files and registry keys is not wise in my book. People will just end up breaking more stuff. The fix should be on the part of Piriform, not the end user.


Some info. about my setup: XP Pro SP3, Default Browser - Firefox 3.6.10, other - IE8, Avira Personal, Comodo Firewall+HIPS

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an alternate to checking the website once or twice a month would be to either RSS the www.piriform.com or @piriform twitter account




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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This is without question a CC problem, as I've now seen it on several different setups.



Why is it a ccleaner issue?

No fate but what we make

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A couple of things makes it pretty obvious:


1. Many people are having this issue, and said people have various different setups.


2. I've never, ever seen any other program exhibit this behavior in my life.



And do you understand how c++ starts the process?

No fate but what we make

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