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Why does Piriform have so many re-installations?


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Firstly, apologies if this topic has been dealt with before. I did try to search for something similar on the Forum pages before writing, but was unable to.


I use CCleaner and Defraggler now and then, and whenever I open the program, I get informed "There's a new version available!" I then have to visit the website, link to FileHippo, then download the program again, THEN open it to use it.


OK, I know it's not large program, and doesn't take as long as other programs to download... but it's EVERYTIME I go to open it. I mean what the hell is it with Piriform? And the constant re-installation? Why not do what other companies do and let certain updates accumulate, and THEN apply these to the program. It seems like Piriform, as soon as ANY update is discovered, (no matter how important), HAVE to include it the next time you open it. In which case, why not just have an "Update" option? Is this not more appropriate? Instead of downloading and re-installation?


Or, is it because the programs are free so we're put through this jumping-through-hoops?

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The grunt of ccleaner is a single .exe file, so whenever new features are added or bugs fixed, that file must be replaced. The only way you can do that is with a reinstall.

I'm Shane.

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I think it is excellent that you guys improve and update CCleaner regularly - I wish M$ were that diligent with maintaining their s/w ;) This is one of the reasons why CC is one of my favourite utilities!!!


You might want to consider a semi-automatic update mechanism that downloads/installs/restarts automatically?



i use CCleaner weekly

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