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Reistry cleaner upgrade

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I very much enjoy the ease of use of CCleaner and use it at least daily.


However, after trying a trial version of Advanced Registry Optimizer 2010, that pgm finds an additional 1100 errors in the registry. Those are in the deep scan, software, current user and Tweak categories.


Are there plans to include the above areas in future upgrades? Sure hope so.

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Many programs find many errors

that does not mean they are better software than CCleaner

that does not mean that your computer will work better after that fixing

therefore always do a back-up before




EsseCi @ logoyn.png

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Many programs find many errors

that does not mean they are better software than CCleaner

that does not mean that your computer will work better after that fixing

therefore always do a back-up before


Thanks for the reply. I didn't say that ARO was better, simply that it found 1100 more errors in the registry. My question remains: Will future upgrades to CCleaner include the areas that ARO addresses?

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CCleaner has what's considered a safe registry cleaner. Sure it won't find the amount of stuff other registry cleaners find however that also means it's much less likely to find false positives, i.e.; removing valid registry data that would result into reinstalling software to fix it, or worse having to reinstall/restore your Windows installation.

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CCleaner has what's considered a safe registry cleaner. Sure it won't find the amount of stuff other registry cleaners find however that also means it's much less likely to find false positives, i.e.; removing valid registry data that would result into reinstalling software to fix it, or worse having to reinstall/restore your Windows installation.


That makes perfect sense to have a safe, limited cleaner. As I mentioned, one of the areas that ARO evaluates (and in my case, the majority of the errors were found) was in the deep scan where 830 errors pertained to invalid/orphaned reference/pathways. There were 151 errors in software where pgms in the Control Panel were no longer installed.


Since there is a detailed, line by line listing of all the errors detected, one can choose which ones to correct or ignore.

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Just to add to what andavaria already said.





And in your own mind are you capable of deciding each listed entry is safe to delete? I know the answer to this because of the question you have posted.


Aggressive registry cleaners are an extremely common problem with computers not being able to boot up. CCleaner is a safe (as registry cleaning can be ever deemed safe) cleaner.


I could run a registry cleaner now that would tell me i have over 1k bad entrys and ccleaner only 50. Would be computer be any faster after deleting the 1k entrys to the 50? NO.


Don't be fooled into using crap software. Stick to what is reputable. Piriform is a renown name known all over the world.


Besides, you only really need to reg clean after an instillation (maybe)

No fate but what we make

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Even if CCleaner is very popular and very useful, the registry cleaner is not so advanced. I want to draw the attention of the publisher that you should improve the registry cleaner as in Tune Up Utilities (complete scan / user define scan). So that many error in the registry will be correct and the performance will be improved. Add the function of registry defragmentation to CCleaner.


In start up you cannot add an entry to start, but can be deleted and disabled. If an entry is deleted wrongly by an user then he/she can't add it to start up.

And CCleaner (also Speccy, Recuva and Defraggler) cannot excute from command prompt. Even they are run fron RUN. Please add this function in the next release.

CMD error for this:



Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>Defraggler
'Defraggler' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>Recuva
'Recuva' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>Speccy
'Speccy' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>



Thank you.

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You are wrong. CMD can launch it. You did it wrong.


You must either :-

stipulate the full path to the executable (I included quotes because of the embedded space)

or use CD to change the current directory so you can simply call its name.


NB AN alternative is to "SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\CCLEANER\


Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

© Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.


C:\Documents and Settings\Dad>"C:\Program Files\CCLEANER\CCleaner.exe"


C:\Documents and Settings\Dad>CD C:\Program Files\CCLEANER\


C:\Program Files\CCleaner>CCleaner.exe


C:\Program Files\CCleaner>


I do not believe there is ANY executable that you can run by simply invoking its name, unless :-

it (or a link) is present in your current directory,

or the relevant path has been appended to the path variable.



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