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CCleaner 2.26


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hello :)


XP Pro, IE7


sorry to disturb you ...

just would like to know if you would recommend CCleaner 2.26 to me, got v.2.24.


No intentions to change to other O/S than XP.


Ever so thankful for an answer.

henriette :rolleyes:

nobody knows - only my nose knows ...

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This is what I personally do:

If you're unsure about updating Henriette you could always try the portable build, extract it into C:\CCleaner then try it out, that way it won't overwrite your installed version you already have.


If you like it after testing it for awhile you could then grab one of the install builds and install over your previous version.

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just would like to know if you would recommend CCleaner 2.26 to me, got v.2.24.

I'm certainly not making a recommendation, but I'm still using 2.24 myself. On my XP computer, the Analyze time increased significantly with both 2.25 and 2.26.

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you could always try the portable build, extract it into C:\CCleaner then try it out, that way it won't overwrite your installed version you already have.

won't overwrite ? that's great. Thank you for telling me :)


If you like it after testing it for awhile you could then grab one of the install builds and install over your previous version.

I will try that - brilliant idea - thank you



I'd recommend it as an XP pro user, mostly because each update usually fixes bugs and improves performance for all OS's in some way.

I am well aware that every version has bugfixes + improvements.

I may try out the portable build first to see the differences.

Thank you very much.


@Tom AZ

On my XP computer, the Analyze time increased significantly with both 2.25 and 2.26.

the thing is that I don't know how the GUI etc. have changes in 2.26 vs 2.24.

Got any screenshots ?



you are so polite.

I can imagine you being as smiley as your avatar.

hehe, already got my smilie avantar.

Thank YOU for your nice comment :=)


General question:

Is it possible to copy the 'registry-savings' (got a backup) of 2.24 into the folder of the next version (2.26 in this case) in order to add one to the registry again if needed - will this work ???

This is actually the main cause to hold me back installing new versions.


Thank you all for your great help.

henriette :)

nobody knows - only my nose knows ...

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Since CCleaners updates don't remove the CCleaner folder, just overwrites the files in it, I'd say that if your .REG files are in there they'll be fine as the install shouldn't touch them, but you could always move them to a new folder on the desktop, install the new version and move them back if you're still worried.

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Winapp2.ini :)

CCleaners updates don't remove the CCleaner folder, just overwrites the files in it

I always use to uninstall the last version of a program.

Isn't this necessary with CCleaner :huh:


Want to avoid that it's size gets too big in 'Software' (reason: image will take more than 1 DVD if C:\ gets too big).


Anyway, if you say that I can update WITHIN CCleaner 2.24 - I will do so.

Don't think it's getting too big to 'disturb' C:\-size regarding image (=backup of whole O/S).


In this case I had to enable "automatically search for CCleaner updates" - right :huh:

Never tried that.

+ all settings would be taken over - hehe.


Please tell me if this would be the right way to update - NO uninstall of the older version :huh:


your .REG files are in there they'll be fine as the install shouldn't touch them

would be great :)


but you could always move them to a new folder on the desktop, install the new version and move them back if you're still worried.

just wonder why I should do this when you say that the install 'shouldn't' --> DOESN'T :huh: touch the *.reg files.


Sorry for my slow understanding, just need to be sure :unsure:


Thank you for your patience.

henriette :rolleyes:

nobody knows - only my nose knows ...

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I always use to uninstall the last version of a program.

Isn't this necessary with CCleaner :huh:


Want to avoid that it's size gets too big in 'Software' (reason: image will take more than 1 DVD if C:\ gets too big).


Anyway, if you say that I can update WITHIN CCleaner 2.24 - I will do so.

Don't think it's getting too big to 'disturb' C:\-size regarding image (=backup of whole O/S).


In this case I had to enable "automatically search for CCleaner updates" - right :huh:

Never tried that.

+ all settings would be taken over - hehe.


Please tell me if this would be the right way to update - NO uninstall of the older version :huh:

You can just download the installer and run it, it will keep all your settings and is the way most of us update.


just wonder why I should do this when you say that the install 'shouldn't' --> DOESN'T :huh: touch the *.reg files.

Just to be on the safe side ;)

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NO uninstall of the older version ?


You can just download the installer and run it, it will keep all your settings and is the way most of us update.

You mean update WITHIN CCleaner :huh:


Ever so sorry to bother you again - shame on me ....

That would answer my question thoroughly for the future :)


henriette :unsure:

nobody knows - only my nose knows ...

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Hi henriette.


You need not uninstall the current version of CCleaner. Just run the downloaded installer, and the new version of CCleaner will be installed over the top of the old one.


This will NOT touch your registry backups in that folder. I've just put mine in there to make sure, and they were still there after I installed CCleaner again.

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Hiya Dennis :)


made it!


But when I clicked 'check for updates' inside CCleaner > to website DL, got DL paypal - how come ? Is freeware.


Asking cause you said

Just run the downloaded installer and the new version of CCleaner will be installed over the top of the old one.


So I used already (from a newsletter) downloaded version 2.26 and installed it while 2.24 was still there - so had both on desktop.

---> is that yet another way of installing method ???


Copied *.reg files from 2.24 to new folder in 2.26.

All settings were taken over + runs fine.

Deleted 2.24 from desktop, saved *ini - just to have that backup.


Thank you for your kind help.

henriette :)

nobody knows - only my nose knows ...

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Hiya Dennis :)


So I used already (from a newsletter) downloaded version 2.26 and installed it while 2.24 was still there - so had both on desktop.

---> is that yet another way of installing method ???


Thank you for your kind help.

henriette :)


If I'm reading you right henriette, what you have on your desktop are the "Installers" for CCleaner (2.26 and 2.24). Once you've downloaded the Installer, and installed the program, you simply delete the Installer from your desktop. You don't need to keep any of them.


If you look in C:\Program Files, there will always be only one CCleaner folder.

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@ henriette if you are worried about the your c:/ drive being to big you don't have to install programs on your c:/ drive you know. personally i make a point of not installing things on c:/ i have my hard drive partitioned so regardless of how many hard drives i have my applications appear to be on a separate drive.


there are many benefits to partitioning your hard drives but some of the mane one are : 1 it allows you to better organize stuff (if you want to organize your applications by type as appose to having them all in the C:\Program Files directory) and if something happens to your c:/ drive you don't lose everything. 2 it lets you back up the whole operating system partition separately from your applications so if something happens to you system you can very quickly* get you system back up and running without having to re update all of your applications *(like within 2 minutes)


sorry if this is a bit confusing or over your head i know my computer stuff but i am really lousy at explaining stuff.


also as far as installing CCleaner goes you don't need to uninstall anything you can just download the installer, run it and install the newest version of ccleaner over top of you old one with out any trouble. the installer will even know where you installed the old version so for people like me whole don't install anything on the c:/drive you don't even have change the default install location. just be careful you don't install the Yahoo toolbar. other then that everything should be pretty easy.


and yes i agree with the others you are reallly plight. which is strange on froms :blink:

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yesssss meant exactly that link.


Those are just donation links, the download links are directly below.

aaaaaaah, hehe - first time I used that link - now I understand.


Thank you :)



what you have on your desktop are the "Installers" for CCleaner (2.26 and 2.24).

are just shortcuts to desktop [each-one renamed with version] where I keep often used apps.

CCleaner + other progs are installed to 'C:\Program Files' of course ;)


@Cloud Strife

I have my applications appear to be on a separate drive.

Had this once done the way you do > all apps on D:\.

I agree that there are great benefits - yet see cons [also see my comment to 'Andavari']:

For me but is better to have whole O/S + apps ++ on drive C:\.

Reason is when creating image to DVD I still need 1 DVD. Certainly will need 2 DVDs once C:\ - size will be over DVD-size - my image prog (Norton Ghost) will split automatically - asking for 2nd DVD).

Might be even <50MB on 2nd DVD - :lol: - but growing from then on.


Once apps separated on other drive I would need 2 DVDs - see ?

Would be waste of DVDs (use rather expensive tested special-brand-DVDs only).


I understand you very well, and at no point were you "lousy at explaining stuff" as you say.

Meaning if I do understand what you are saying - me being lousy in understanding [= comprehend] - then you are great in explaining :)



install the newest version of ccleaner over top of your old one with out any trouble

That is what I will do from now on since 'JDPower' explained to me what 'paypal' stands for in that link :)

[although I had my glasses on - could have READ what's standing there - me goof] :rolleyes:



you can install programs elsewhere. However when it comes to CCleaner it often looks for C:\Program Files for some of the cleaners it has, meaning it wouldn't be able to clean those applications.

That is also a prob which I experienced with apps on e.g drive D:\.

Parts of apps + Office are still in C:\ - always made me wonder why it had been recommended to me to install apps to seperate drive - the above mentioned probs (both yours & mine) were one of the reasons why I never did that again.


I would like to thank you wonderful helpful & kind people in here. I love this forum - really. Cannot think of any other forum where users were so very patient + so many posts in such a dear way.

henriette *happy*

nobody knows - only my nose knows ...

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