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Can't get PC clean


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No matter what I do I can't seem to get rid of these:


CLEANING COMPLETE - (0.061 secs)


17.37KB removed.



Details of files deleted


C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\wrstemp\S-1-5-19.dat 4.08KB

C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\wrstemp\S-1-5-20.dat 4.15KB

C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\wrstemp\S-1-5-21-2000478354-1383384898-839522115-1004.dat 4.78KB

C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\wrstemp\S-1-5-21-2000478354-1383384898-839522115-500.dat 4.36KB




I have XP and version 2.2 of CC.

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Try doing it in safe mode.


If they still don't go try not try this..

Go to the IE Tools menu, and click Internet Options. Click the Advanced

tab. In the "Settings" box, scroll down to the section labeled

"Security," and click to check the box next to the "Empty Temporary

Internet Files folder when browser is closed" option. Click OK to

finish. This option does not delete cookies, but it will clear your

cache of other files when you close your browser.


Also consider they may be files in use by the system (you don't use webroot software do you?)


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They appear to be created by Webroot Spysweeper. I know nothing about this software so I don't know how to remove them, apart from uninstalling. but it's a clue.

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Thank you for the help. I like Spy Sweeper so it's not a problem. I just found it strange that they showed up a while ago and are there every time I clean. I have used SS for a few years now and the files didn't show up while cleaning till a while ago. Again thank you!!

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