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Beaverton Boy Lauded For Solar Cell Invention


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A new invention could revolutionize solar energy ? and it was made by a 12-year-old in Beaverton.


Despite his age, William Yuan has already studied nuclear fusion and nanotechnology, and he is on his way to solving the energy crisis.


If he is right, solar panels with his 3D cells would provide 500 times more light absorption than commercially-available solar cells and nine times more than cutting-edge 3D solar cells.


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Kid looks older than 12. That's insane how much more efficient his cells are though. I'd so buy some for my future house (once I'm done with college, have a good job, and can afford a house :P)


Maybe I can convince my parents to do it to our house.




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All he had to do is now package it and sell it for billions of dollars to some big corporation, and he'll be super rich before he can even drive a car, and when he's of age he'll be able to buy any Ferrari he wants. ;)
The new Bill Gates :lol:

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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Well everybody! It appears that the 3D Solar Cell had been in fact invented, published, and a patent pending in mid 2007 from Georgia Tech with funding from USAF! So, this young man has either done a parallel invention in a one year trail of others, or he is well read and presented someone elses ideas...before he accepts the 25 grand, I hope he thinks about whether it was his own innovation, or someone elses! Thanks for the comments!! I learned a bit about solar energy tonight! Lights out! lol



It makes you wonder. This kid does sound legitimately smart, but considering something else so similar was invented, it makes you wonder. I'm not trying to be a jerk about it though, and want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it's too close, and for a 12 year old?



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