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Interesting VBScript


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I came across this little VBScript that'll disable those annoying popup balloons I so oft get from Windows Defender :o



/!\ Don't use this unless you understand what you're doing, please. /!\


Option Explicit'Declare variablesDim WSHShell, n, MyBox, p, itemtype, TitleSet WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")p = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\"p = p & "EnableBalloonTips"itemtype = "REG_DWORD"n = 0WSHShell.RegWrite p, n, itemtypeTitle = "Balloon Tips are now Disabled." & vbCRTitle = Title & "You may need to log off/log on" & vbCRTitle = Title & "For the change to take effect."MyBox = MsgBox(Title,4096,"Finished")




Really, I used it just because I spend a lot of time playing with software and windows defender oft' pops up no less than 10 times an hour, If you don't like not having balloon tips you can always delete the string this code creates. :]

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So it rewrites a portion of the registry? If people really wanted to use it, wouldn't they just do it using regedit?


[edit] : I don't see a point in using a code that one could do themselves by hand, unless, of course, they're in a lazy mood.


[edit-edit] : It would actually work better, IMHO, if they did the reg-change by hand, because then they could see what they're changing, and change it back if it fscked it up. just my opinion.

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