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Stock Simulators....


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My new found weakness, fantasy stock portfolios...


anyone else playing on these foolish things?


Piriform doesnt have a ticker symbol does it? HHAHA id put money in those stocks.


Google is performing well... naturally.


Anyone got any tips to help a novice trader?

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that sounds fun, where are you playing this at?




knowing nothing of the stock market and how it works this site is great. addicitve. informative and has alot of tools to learn with. And its all sorta real time numbers. Just a 20 mintue delay on all major stock exchnages numbers.


Ive made some real bonehead trades. like investing in wellcare when the bottom dropped out due to FBi raids investigating frauds... hoping it was false.


It wasnt.




We all make mistakes. And thankfully its not real money.


but sign up and well compare notes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

after yesterday im dying.


wednesday i went to sleep .. in the green by about 8000 dollars...


last night went to sleep with my investments in the red by 3000 dollars.


Im glad its just play money, but it kinda gives me a new understanding about why some of these investors are throwing themselves off tall buildings.


loose everything in the blink of an eye.

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You need to learn the difference between trading and investing. When you trade in real life you are playing against a$$ holes that control billions in hedge fund money and manipulate the market and people like you. They have access to info that you do not. They have and use insider information. They lie and commit illegal acts constantly. Trying to trade with these people is a losing deal. One trick they like to play is take a huge short position in a company. Than use their connections to spread BS about the company in the news. Than Joe blow average guy reads this news and sells the stock allowing the hedge fund to make a nice gain on the short position. Nothing is done about it by the authorities other than some big mouth grand standing and this happens daily. Ever wonder why a stock pops by 10% or more on high volume and there is nothing in the news to explain it? Than a week or two later you find out the company is in play or won a huge contract or something along these lines. Insider info that's what. Those trading games are just that. When the time frame is that short there is a huge luck factor involved.


You won't catch Warren Buffet trading like an idiot and he is the richest guy in the world. Look past the daily noise and focus on the company and take a longer term view and you will do all right. I don't work anymore and haven't in 3 years and this is how I make my money.

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if you make a living doing this you are my hero. Seriously. takes guts. Guts which i do not have. I respect you.


As for everything you said. Thats the conclussion i gave come to.


Depend on no one, and do your own research and make your own conclusions. Every investment i made on "hot tips" to my inbox was a crock of crap.


I made one good investment in an online company called blue nile. and it even got hit hard last week.


But again. You got my respect.

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