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iPhone user sues Apple for $1 Million


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SAN JOSE, California (AP) -- A New York woman is so angry at Apple Inc. for lopping $200 off the price of the iPhone that she's filed a lawsuit seeking $1 million in damages.



Dongmei Li of Queens, New York, claimed the company violated price discrimination laws when it slashed the price of the 8-gigabyte iPhone by a third, from $599 to $399, within two months of the gadget's June debut.


Apple lowered the iPhone's price on September 5 and also said it would stop selling the $499 4-gigabyte model. Hundreds of early customers who paid full price didn't expect a reduction so soon and complained.


Apple issued an apology the next day. Under its return policy, Apple refunded the $200 difference for those who bought the phone within 14 days of the reduction. And in a move to make peace with those who purchased the higher-priced phone before that period, the company offered a $100 credit at Apple stores.


According to Li's lawsuit, filed on September 24 in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York, the price reduction injured early purchasers like herself because they cannot resell the product for the same profit as those who bought the cell phone following the price cut.


Li purchased a 4GB iPhone for $499 and alleged that owners of the 4GB model were given less favorable terms than those who bought the 8GB model at the premium price, according to the lawsuit.


Apple spokeswoman Susan Lundgren declined to comment, citing the company's policy to not discuss pending litigation.


The lawsuit also named AT&T Inc., the exclusive carrier in the U.S. for the iPhone, and alleged the two companies' required two-year service contract for the iPhone constituted unfair business practices.


Mark Siegel, an AT&T spokesman, declined to comment, saying he had not yet seen the lawsuit.

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$1 million for damages. :lol:


She should settle for getting her $200 back and maybe a few years free phone service, because $1 million is rather ridiculous, and as with all products prices are subject to change without notice - it's always been that way.

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Tell your story walking <_< ...Thats what Apple should be telling her!

I can't believe the things that some people try!

She needs to get a life!

Not just "iPhones" New models of all sorts of consumer goods are released all the time, so old models (old stock) gets discounted! FACT OF LIFE!

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I hope she doesn't get a cent BUT I also think it was pretty crappy what apple did with that phone.

I cant think of another product that dropped their price that significantly in just a weeks like that. They basically screwed over their hard core fans who bought their product on launch just because they could. I'm no expert but I seriously doubt the cost of manufacturing that phone dropped so significantly that they would drop the price so much.

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