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CCleaner: Application Tab: What Exactly Is Getting Removed From The Following?


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I couldn't find any documentation on what CCleaner does to most of the applications listed in the Applications tab. Can anybody tell me what kind of stuff gets removed from the following?




I'm not really worried about hard drive space being used (unless its 100MB+) but if any of these would see performance degradation over time from normal program usage and one or more of these settings could help the program(s) stay as fast as the day I installed the program... well that would be sweet :lol:

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I've already downloaded the guide and read through much of it. I looked for information regarding those applications and didn't see any. Perhaps you could point me to where in the guide I should be looking?

It typically just removes old logs, temp files, most recently used lists etc from each of the applications it cleans. Generally stuff that isn't really needed (and will just build back up over time)

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It typically just removes old logs, temp files, most recently used lists etc from each of the applications it cleans. Generally stuff that isn't really needed (and will just build back up over time)

Alright that is good to hear. I just wanted to make sure it wouldn't be removing .ini files that were X days old or in the case of Spybot, removing quarantined files that were X days old. Many thanks :P

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Alright that is good to hear. I just wanted to make sure it wouldn't be removing .ini files that were X days old or in the case of Spybot, removing quarantined files that were X days old. Many thanks :P

No, nothing like that ;)

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