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Ever had a tooth filled


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Yes, it fairly worrying, but I have yet to hear of anyone who has become ill or died as a result. Also bear in mind amalgam filllings have been used for over 100 years...


My dentist and is a great supporter of composite fillings ("white" fillings), but more for the fact they are better for your teeth, or in my more cynical moments, because it gives him a chance to charge me to replace my old amagams with "white" fillings that are double the price.

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It's almost certainly a hoax. Mercury vapour is almost 7X the density of air ... fumes would fall down from the tooth. The fumes you see on the video are probably the water vapour from being dipped in water as the video says was done to raise the temperature.

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I'm such a chicken when it comes to the dentist. :(


You and me both. I don't mind the cleanings and stuff, but when they come at my teeth with that metal hook thing to pick at my teeth (does this hurt? can you feel this? etc), I start shakin' in my flip flops! :blink::lol:


But as for the topic of fillings - I have 4 fillings. Three are the "white" fillings and one is silver (my near-miss root canal tooth). I've had them all for about 10-11 years. Yippee. lol

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Hi Humpty B)

I clicked on the link in your post "Smoking Teeth Clip" and IE7 says it cannot display the web page? I tried a couple of times :huh:

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Hi Humpty B)

I clicked on the link in your post "Smoking Teeth Clip" and IE7 says it cannot display the web page? I tried a couple of times :huh:

Working OK here with FF.


Maybe try a youtube link.Will see if I can find one.


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B) Thanks Humpty, that link worked.

I'm running Sandboxie, "IE7 Sand boxed" and wonder if that might be the problem (why the original link didn't work) :huh:

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I had more stuff done to my teeth in the past seven years that me and the dentist actually as it's called shoot the s**t and chit chat wherever I go there. I've had two rootcanals done in the past seven years and some other work too. The thing is getting the teeth drilled or whatever really isn't the painful, it's if the dentist hands slip and cut the gums that's a real killer.

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I had more stuff done to my teeth in the past seven years that me and the dentist actually as it's called shoot the s**t and chit chat wherever I go there. I've had two rootcanals done in the past seven years and some other work too. The thing is getting the teeth drilled or whatever really isn't the painful, it's if the dentist hands slip and cut the gums that's a real killer.


My mouth hurts just thinking about that. Luckily that never happened to me (yet...lol). The worst I've had is having my tooth drilled and feeling every bit of it because the novocaine didn't work. He gave me three full shots of it and I STILL wasn't numb. :blink:

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I had a tooth capped or whatever its called. Basically they filled down my very back tooth on the top and then covered it with a porcelain fake one(but the root and everything was still alive and stuff). Anyway it hurt like hell and I would never have it done again.


Getting the tooth filled down wasnt that bad(just tasted bad and took forever) but having the exposed root jammed with a fake tooth on top of it hurt so bad I will never forget it. :(

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The worst I've had is having my tooth drilled and feeling every bit of it because the novocaine didn't work. He gave me three full shots of it and I STILL wasn't numb. :blink:

The painkiller they like to give doesn't really do squat for me and they always want to give me a mega dosage, which still doesn't really work all that well so I just tell them to give me the standard dosage and start drilling, hammering, and chomping away, it really doesn't bother me all that much to the point of being like a walk in the park as I easily block out allot of pain that would have many grown men and/or adults in general crying for mommy.



I've felt far worse pain like having my wrist broken and almost twisted in a 360 degree angle, actually I've broken the same arm three times. I've had broken legs, sprangs, etc., you name it and I've broken or sprang it including my tailbone from when I used to do freestyle bicycle riding in my youthful stunt filled years (I was a stunt maniac back in the day) which is probably why my body aches nowadays, but I wouldn't have it any other way and it makes one realize how resilient and recoverable the human body really is. Boy those were the fun days, nostalgia.

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Getting the tooth filled down wasnt that bad(just tasted bad and took forever) but having the exposed root jammed with a fake tooth on top of it hurt so bad I will never forget it. :(

Wimp! :P

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I had a tooth capped or whatever its called. Basically they filled down my very back tooth on the top and then covered it with a porcelain fake one(but the root and everything was still alive and stuff). Anyway it hurt like hell and I would never have it done again.


Getting the tooth filled down wasnt that bad(just tasted bad and took forever) but having the exposed root jammed with a fake tooth on top of it hurt so bad I will never forget it. :(


One of my friends had that done and sid the exact same thing. I always thought they shot you up with novocaine when they did a cap, but I guess not. I wouldn't go through it either after hearing the horror stories. :(

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The painkiller they like to give doesn't really do squat for me and they always want to give me a mega dosage, which still doesn't really work all that well so I just tell them to give me the standard dosage and start drilling, hammering, and chomping away, it really doesn't bother me all that much to the point of being like a walk in the park as I easily block out allot of pain that would have many grown men and/or adults in general crying for mommy.


You are hardcore. You remind me of my dad...just suck it up and do what you gotta do, even if it means feeling every bit of what they're doing to you. I don't think I'm brave enough to have another tooth drilled while feeling all of it though. The thought makes me cringe.



I've felt far worse pain like having my wrist broken and almost twisted in a 360 degree angle, actually I've broken the same arm three times. I've had broken legs, sprangs, etc., you name it and I've broken or sprang it including my tailbone from when I used to do freestyle bicycle riding in my youthful stunt filled years (I was a stunt maniac back in the day) which is probably why my body aches nowadays, but I wouldn't have it any other way and it makes one realize how resilient and recoverable the human body really is. Boy those were the fun days, nostalgia.


Ugh that's just too much to go through. lol

I'm here. What are your other two wishes?
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