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Shift key


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Is it your first time to see that? You should play with the Accessibility Options :lol:

I unticked the "Use shortcut" in the Sticky Keys settings... and the other boxes too :D

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News to me Humpty, but how can you accidentally hit the same key 5 times?


Possibly the old enlightenment juice... :blink:


Only half way there Dennis atm! :lol:


I was trying to get cap locks off. :blink:


Back to light beer I think. :(

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I hate sticky keys,

Always knocks me out of a game,

It pops up in a game since most games FPS/ThirdPS use that shift key for something... crouch/duck/jump etc....


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  • 3 weeks later...
Is it your first time to see that? You should play with the Accessibility Options :lol:

I unticked the "Use shortcut" in the Sticky Keys settings... and the other boxes too :D


fraid whether you un-tick these options, hitting shift key 5+ times in a row will bring up this option.

Quite ironic really as I spilt a beer over my keyboard last week, and I really do have a 'sticky' keyboard....!!!



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I unticked every box I could find in the StickyKeys section and no more dialogs for me! I just pressed 5 shift keys in a row and nothing happens :P


Here's the settings


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