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I've been playing with it for a while, but I'm annoyed to right click everything then choose to run it in a sandbox. Still a helpful program for experimenting something malicious... or private :lol:


Probably PowerShadow is enough for me.

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Probably PowerShadow is enough for me.

The Powershadow mode can still be compromised if any nasties hit you, but a reboot will get rid of any crap.


Running your browser through Sandboxie in Powershadow mode will just about kill or stop any malware.


Give them a bit of time to get used to and I doubt if you will ever run a mem sucking realtime av again.

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I like what PowerShadow does to me, a reboot will get rid of anything I made in the shadow mode, just like DeepFreeze and free too. :lol:


I'm just forced to use an anti-malware because my bro is angry with new security huhas, he just wants convenience.


I played with Sandbox for a couple of hours, and what I like about it is for the more simpler, lighter "virtualization" it provides plus I have the freedom to choose a program to be in a sandbox and the other outside. I'm just a sort of double clicker and rarely bothers to right click except for "Refresh" and "Properties".

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Hi Tunerz,


Have a look at Microosoft Virtual PC 2007.Main reason I haven't been around much.


So far have installed my XP pro three times, from CD, ISO and a ghost image as tests and still learning!


Also installed my old WIN98se, Damn Small Linux, Puppy Linux and Ubuntu as testings with all working fine except for puppy linux which won't connecxt to the net?

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I also tried Virtual PC, but my pc is a 3 year old, 256 ram and 3 GHz HT user which means my virtual OSes or whatever the plural name is spelled won't run correctly.


I still play with the files in the sandbox, and wonder why the programmer made the files be placed in a folder instead of a protected and hidden folders like System Restore files.


I still stick with Powershadow and play with its strange wave thing when I switch to shadow mode. ^_^

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I also tried Virtual PC, but my pc is a 3 year old, 256 ram and 3 GHz HT user which means my virtual OSes or whatever the plural name is spelled won't run correctly.

Funny thing that> My main PC is 3 year old 3ghtz HT is with a a gig of ddr as per ordered and I allocate 512 for each VM.No probs.


Posting this from a refurbished 1.7 ghz 256 sdram machine (backroon testing) which seems to be going fine and which my tight arse younger brother wants if it checks OK!

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When I try to create a virtual os, it's stuck in loading some hardware like video card. Well anyway is it allowed in this forum to be off-topic sometime? I'm used to be on-topic...

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When I try to create a virtual os, it's stuck in loading some hardware like video card. Well anyway is it allowed in this forum to be off-topic sometime?


Topics do stray sometimes, perhaps it would be a good to start a new topic about virtual apps as this one was really about sandboxie. :)


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If your tyring to load Ununtu use safe graphics mode,second selection I think.


And to be honest. Ubutu is a pain to use here.Probaby cause I'm so used to XP.


Yet of all the virtual systems Win98se flys with 512 ram allocated, :lol:

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Topics do stray sometimes, perhaps it would be a good to start a new topic about virtual apps as this one was really about sandboxie. :)

Sandboxie is the best thing since, um err, sliced bread. :P

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Is it possible to sandbox explorer? :P it would be really fun to do that :lol:

Don't know if that's possible?


But I will dare anyone to go to any smitfraud type sites or similar whilst your browser is sandboxed,Kill all any sandbolxed process through a right click on sandboxies taskbar icon then delete and it's as if the infection has never been there.

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