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Posts posted by nukecad

  1. I've spent quite a few hours to figure out this issue when I installed windows 10 back then, my start menu would break everytime and the cause was that I had Microsoft Edge cleaning options selected. I am pretty sure if you untick cleaning options for Microsoft Edge your start menu won't break anymore.

    That's interesting to know.


    Just to clarify; do you mean the cleaning options in Edge itself, or in CCleaner?

  2. It was probably an expiring redirect.


    As a mod on another forum (vBullitin based) I occasionaly move threads from one forum to another.


    When I move a thread there are options to leave a redirect from the original location, and you can set these to expire after a set time (no redirect, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, permanent).


    This is partly so that anyone who has bookmarked (or subscribed to) the original location will be redirected to the new location.

    It does leave the same thread showing in both locations until the redirect expires, but there is only one thread in reality.


    As I say that's with vBulletin but I assume it's the same with IPBoard.

  3. I have been using CCleaner daily, first with XP, then Win 8.1, and since last July with Win 10, as have many others, and have never had a problem like this.


    Indeed it is hard to see how CCleaner could be causing this problem in normal use, unless you somehow deleted a vital registry entry.

    There again I have used the registry cleaner, usually after large Windows upgrades/updates, and again never had this or any other problem.


    I still believe that this is a Windows problem rather than a CCleaner problem.

    It may be down to your system architecture, particularly if you have any kind of custom build.

    eg. there were a lot of problems with Nvidia graphics cards when Win 10 first launched.


    If it were a CCleaner problem then I would expect to see a lot more people shouting about it here.


    As there are a lot of reports and articles online about this Start Menu problem, and presumably not everyone is using CCleaner, it would suggest that it is your Win 10 installation itself that is the problem rather than any particular software.



    Just a thought here, when your start menu button stops working have you tried right clicking on it?

    This should bring up an alternative context menu.


    Anybody else have any suggestions?

  4. Are you doing a regular clean or a registry clean?


    Having said that it's probably due more to your Windows 10 install or a Windows update being not quite installed correctly, rather than CCleaner or any other software.


    There are known problems with the start menu on some installations of Win 10 (and 8, 8.1).

    If you google "windows 10 start button not working" you will get plenty of results and fixes for the problem.


    Try reading this for a start, which gives some step by step instructions to fix these start menu problems:


  5. It does seem to be just with IPboard forums, I don't have any problems with vBulletin or XenForo based forums.


    And just for interest I tried in I.E.11 as well as FFx, same problem with the greyed out paste icons.

    (I didn't try Edge, don't like the thing).


    Oh well, it's not that much of a deal, I was just wondering.

  6. Mmmm.
    Puting it into BB code mode on this laptop greys out all of the menu icons.
    BUT it does give a cut/paste context menu on right click so you can paste from there.
    (The cut/paste context menu is not usually available in 'normal' mode either, unless you have some existing text higlighted. It usually gives the browser context menu. Strange one that).

    Also if you click the BB code on then off again the paste icons become available for the one click.
    Still easier to use ctrl+v, I'll just keep doing that.
    I'll put it down as an IPboard thing, or a FFx thing although it doesn't affect me on vB forums, was just wondering if anyone had found out which browser setting it was talking about.
    May do some playing around with the browser settings to see if I can find it.

  7. Hope someone can help a slight anoyance I am having when making a post or reply here. (and other IPboard driven forums).


    The paste options in the editor toolbar are greyed out, so I am unable to paste from the clipboard.

    (I know I can easily work around this using ctrl+v, but it's still a bit of a niggle).


    If I then go to 'more options' or 'preview post' the paste icons become available for one click only.

    If I click the paste icon at that time a small window opens that I can then paste my text into.


    This small window informs me-

    "Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window."


    So can anyone tell what browser setting is causing this behaviour?

    Or is this just a glitch in the IPboard software?


    I'm using Firefox 44.0, Win 10 home 64-bit.



  8. It could be something to do with the 'Snap' settings in Win 10 that puts new windows at the sides or corners of the desktop?


    I think you may have inadvertantly dragged it into a corner once over, so now it opens there by default.


    Try dragging it back to the middle and then closing it. (You may have to turn the snap off first).


  9. Well my name isn't Al, but I'll comment anyway. :)


    "formulating our product roadmaps"


    Do you mean looking at your business plans? Or are you bringing out a sat-nav application?


    First suggestion- try using plain English and not corporate buzz-speak, more people will understand you, especialy those who don't have English as a first language.

  10. Your slow to launch problem could be the one reported here:

    It seems to be a problem with the User Account Control, especially in Windows 10.

    It only happens on the first launch, or after a Windows Defender definition update.

    (If you close CCleaner and open it a second time it comes up instantly).

    As reported in that thread linked above I found a few workarounds, (one of which was to turn on active monitoring in CCleaner).

    What finally cured it completely for me was making CCleaner an exception in Windows Defender.
    I have had no problems with the delayed launch since I did that.

    Open Defender > settings > scroll down to 'Add an exclusion' > Exclude a folder > browse to the CCleaner folder (usually in C:/Programme files/) and exclude it.

    If you use another anti-virus instead of Defender then try making CCleaner an exception in that.


    I fiddled with some default setting

    Presumably a Windows setting?

    Possibly turned off- 'Show app notifications' (in the Systems > Notifications & Actions screen)?


    Would have been nice if you could have found just which app the message was refering to.


    At least the message has gone now, (if not the actual incompatability).


    Hope all stays well.

  12. The easiest way to find out what is in the start up list is to look in Task Manager.


    Right click in the Taskbar and select Task Manage from the pop up menu.

    Go to the Start-up tab and it will list your loaded start up apps, and tell you if they are enabled or disabled.

    You can try disabling them one at a time and re-booting to see which one is causing the error message.




     I have done some searching about and it seem that on certain PCs (not all) this message about 'apps not being compatible with Insider Preview' will display even when the PC is running a full market version.

    (It was lazyness on Microsofts part when releasing a fully tested insider build as the full market version and forgetting to change the message).


    The message displays when Microsoft has decided to remove apps it does not like from your system.

    Among the apps that it will remove are CPU-Z, Speccy, CCleaner, bing bar, NETGEAR Genie, and there are others.

    There are already various posts about Microsoft doing this here and on other forums.


    Generally (uninstalling and) reinstalling the offending app cures the problem.

    So once you have worked out which app is generating the message you can uninstall / reinstall it.

  13. Are you sure that its CCleaner doing this?


    Have you checked your settings in Firefox itself?

    In Firefox go to-

    Options (the cogwheel at the top right, or the 'Tools' menu if you have menus showing).
    'When Firefox starts'
    set this to-

    'Show my windows and tabs from last time'


    And as Nergal says: check your Firefox Add-ons to make sure one of them is not removing your sessions.

  14. If you don't have an insider build then "Get Started" is indeed what you see instead of "Stop Insider builds".


    Sorry about the confusion, but it makes it even more strange that the error message you are getting mentions 'windows insider preview'?


    Reading back to your first post you said:

    I recently upgraded to windows 10 and started to get the message "your app isn't compatible with windows insider preview" every time I started my computer.


    What made you think that this is a problem with CCleaner?


    Yes there is obviously a problem here, but that message just says "your app" it doesn't say which app.


    Indeed if you have removed CCleaner from your system and are still getting this error message then it must be some other app. that is the problem.


    Have you run Virus, spyware, and malware checks on your computer, if so which ones?


    Run a scan with your installed Antivirus.


    If you don't already have a spyware and malware scanner I recomend that you get these and run them to check for nasties on your computer.

    The free versions are fine and are used and trusted by millions around the world.

    Of course these are just my recomendations, I have no association with any of these companies.

    Other Malware / Spyware scanners are available.



    Checks your system for any nasties that are trying to track what you are doing, steal your passwords, steal your personal info, etc.
    Run it once a week - takes between 20min and 2-3 hours depending on what you have on your hard drive.



    AntiMalware - Definitely use this - Checks for all kinds of nasties and unwanted stuff that tries to take over your computer.
    Run it once a week - can take up to a couple of hours depending on what you have on your hard drive.


    If after running these you are still having problems I (and no doubt others here) can point you to where you can get free 1-1 help to deep analyse and clean up your computer.

  15. I keep seeing threads, here and elsewhere, where a user has junked their system by overuse of the registry cleaner.


    Despite all the warnings they blithely go ahead and delete all the registry keys with found issues, without making a backup first.

    And then start moaning that CCleaner has junked their computer.


    We have also seen the recent cases of Microsoft removing CCleaner during Windows Upgrades and Updates, because MIcrosoft don't like registry cleaners. (They dropped their own reg cleaner with XP).



    Maybe its time to move the registry cleaner and not give it a big, prominent, button anymore.

    So that people who don't know what problems it can cause are less likely to use it blindly?


    Yes there is still a use for registry cleaners (Microsoft disagree), if used properly by someone who knows what they are doing.


    But having the big button, (and right below the general cleaning button at that), tempts non tech-savvy computer users to run a tool that can cause damage if not used with care.


    Wouldn't it make more sense to put it on the 'Tools' menu, along with 'Drive Wiper', 'System Restore', etc.

    This would show that it is there if you need it, but like the other tools there it's not something that you should use everyday.

  16. What is the issue with the delayed start?  Why doesn't the DEV's even address this?  How long do we need to keep this thread going for it to get some attention?



    Why can't we get some help here?


    I'm the OP of this thread and have since found and shared a couple of workarounds, and a working solution in post #62.


    Since making CCleaner an exception in my AntiVirus (Windows Defender) I have had no problem with the delayed launching of CCleaner.


    See also Andavari's comment in post #65.


    Have you tried making CCleaner an exception in whatever AntiVirus you are using?


    (Obviously the Piriform Devs can't make changes to your AV, you have to do it yourself).

  17. Well the message you say you got was:

    "your app isn't compatible with windows insider preview"



    Which would seem to indicate that you are runing an Insider preview build?


    Did you go to Settings > System > About to check what version and build you are running?


    You might also want to look at Windows Updates >Advanced options, to see what the section about insider builds says:


  18. That message indicates that you have signed up to the 'Windows Insider' programme, which is a beta testing programme.


    Insiders get advance, possibly unstable, copies of Windows 10 for user testing.


    As these are not fully released versions you can expect to have some problems with them, that's why they need testing.

    Microsoft give a list of known issues with the version as they release it to insiders, and insiders then test it to try and find any other problems.


    As you seem to be running an insider build then your problem may well be with Windows rather than CCleaner.


    Did you mean to sign up to the insider programme, or did you mean to get the stable release of Windows 10?


    You can check which version/build you are running by going to- Settings > System >About


    The latest stable version for normal users is 1511, released in November 2015, and the build is 10586.63.


    The latest Insider build is 11099, that was released on Jan 13 2016. Details

    The previous Insider build was 11082 that was released on Dec 16 2015.


    If you have signed up to the insider programme by mistake then you can leave and switch back to the stable version.


  19. That problem has existed for a longtime before Win10. What I've did in XP to get around it is set up a view that I want system-wide and then via Folder Options set all folders to have the same view. Of course that may not work the same on Win10.

    I believe it does, and it is one of the registry changes that can be made.

    A problem with this in win 8,8.1, & 10 is that they have different default folder templates for different types of files active at the same time.

    (You can have different default views for General, Document, Photo, Music, Video, etc. all at the same time).

    The registry modification as used in XP, Vista, and 7 changes all of these different folder templates to be the same system wide.


    There is another registry change that just allows you to increase the folder limit by creating a new reg entry.


    But I thought it best to see if this was the problem before posting or linking to any registry changes.

  20. Well I tried cleaning the Windows Size/Location Cache and it made no difference, files were still ordered by date.


    I think that this is an OS problem, not CCleaner.


    I have found another couple of possible causes of this reported behaviour.




    Are you using ESET anti-virus?

    (It is reported, and acknowledged, as causing FE settings problems on Win 10. It usually messes with desktop icons as well).


    Do you have a lot of folders on your PC?

    (There is a limit as to how many the settings can be remembered for, if you have more than this limit then further changes can not be remembered without a registry change).

  21. nukecad you don't have Windows Size/Location cache ticked under Ccleaner Advanced Windows Files do you?

    No, the only thing I have selected in Advanced is 'Old prefetch data'.

    And as reported in that last post CC had no effect on MY file order.


    Of course I can't say what CC options Tasgandy has selected though.

  22. Well this is interesting;


    After writing the above I went off to have a play, here's the results-


    Opened File Explorer, browsed to documents and clicked the column heading to order files by 'Date modified'.

    Closed FE.

    Ran CCleaner.

    Opened FE, browsed to documents. This was still ordered by 'Date modified'.


    Closed FE.

    Did a restart.

    Opened FE, browsed to documents. This was still ordered by 'Date modified'.


    Closed FE.

    Shut Down.


    Opened FE, browsed to documents. This was still ordered by 'Date modified'.



    From that it seems to be keeping the setting on my laptop even through a Shut Down and re-Boot.

    (Although it did seem to loose it when I shut down last night?)


    It may be some other setting in Win 10, but I don't know which (yet).


    I have to go and do a bit of work now;

    but I am intrigued by this and may try later to see if I can find some way to replicate what Tasgandy is seeing.

    (It will give me something to pay with later).

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