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Posts posted by nukecad

  1. I liked JRT in general, a reasonably quick junkware scan with no installation needed, even if it did seem a bit old fashioned running in the Command Window with no GUI.

    But once Malwarebytes acquired JRT in 2015 then it was always their stated intention to incorporate it into the main Malwarebytes programme itself.

    The same was stated when they acquired ADwCleaner in 2016.

    Moving JRT's removal functions into ADwCleaner seems just the first step of this, JRT and ADW did cover quite a bit of the same ground.

    Expect ADW to be incoporated into Malwarebytes at some future time.

    As far as I can see the main feature that will be lost is JRT's creation of a restore point as a first step before anything gets scanned and removed.
    I've always liked that 'backup' feature, TBH I often use it as a quickish way just to create a new restore point rather than going through Windows.

  2. I've had no problems with 1709 on my laptop which is 3 years old.

    It's going to depend on who made your computer,  and just what is running on it.

    I used to have a fragmented pagefile, and tried messing about with the MS settings.

    In the end (after a bit of reading) I set it to let windows manage it and then did a Boot Time Defrag with Defeaggler.

    You can't defragment the pagefile while it is in use so it needs to be done before. 

    All in one piece and no problems so left it alone since then. 

  3. Different defraggers work to different algorithms, any two developers will have their own ideas about which is the best way to defrag.

    eg. is it better to have files in contiguous blocks, maybe with gaps between them on the disc, or better to fill the gaps in the disc and let files become 'split up' over disc clusters?
    Different developers will give different opinions, and the defrag programme they write will give different results.

    There is no one 'standard' way of doing it, that's why there are so many defragmenters to choose from.
    Choose whichever suits you. You won't be able tell any difference at all with actual computer usage. (that's with actual usage - not with using a different defragger to analyse in a different way).
    The main reason for using different ones is simply the User Interface.

    There's not much use using 2 one after the other, the second will just do its own thing; and undo what the first one had done.

    As for why you ended up with more fragments after a full defrag with defraggler- did you use any advanced options?
    eg, a minimum file size or 'Defrag Freespace - allow fragmentation' option?

    Why do different defrag programs give different results

  4. On 12/11/2017 at 5:02 AM, hazelnut said:

    I will see if I can find out for you. May take a day or so with it being the weekend.

    Did you get any feedback about this flood control issue? It's still being a pain when I want to do the occasional search.


    I know that flood control is used as a tool against spambots/searchbots, but does it realy need to be set so long for regular members?

  5. As said above I do not have a website on that domain, so don't need a website SSL for it.


    On 03/10/2017 at 5:48 PM, Andavari said:

    Perhaps contact their support and be bold asking them some tough questions.

    I emailed them asking why they kept trying to sell me something that if they checked my account with them they could clearly see that I did not need.

    No reply, but the 'reminder' sales emails stopped.

  6. Blaming CCleaner, or any software, for a problem when running an insider build would seem to indicate that you do not know just what an insider build is.

    As mta says, insider builds are beta testing versions of Windows 10.
    They are there so that compatibility issues caused by changes to Windows 10 can be found by the 'insiders' before the changes are fully released.

    Insider builds are expected to have issues - that is what they are for, to find the issues that Microsoft have caused with their modifications.

    Any issue with any software and an insider build is 99% sure the be the fault of the insider build.

    The software developer cannot do anything about this, they don't know just what Microsoft are playing about with.


    Sorry, but as a Windows 10 Insider I don't want to take the chance of this happening with every new build we get (once a week).

    The only way to avoid any potential issues is to stop using insider builds and use the fully released Windows 10.

    As long as you use insider builds you are going to have occasional issues with software incompatibility.

  7. I hadn't noticed that, I usually change page as soon as I have logged out, but it's also still showing me in the online list after I have logged out.
    Even if I log out, navigate away from the forum, visit another couple of sites, and come back it's still showing me in the online list even though its asking for a sign-in at the top right.

    I decided to see how it went over time and revisited about every 5 mins after logging out.
    I disappeared from the online list after 30 minutes.

    A bit more playing about showed that the cause of this is the 'Remember me' tickbox when you are logging in.
    If 'Remember me' is not checked then you are removed from the online list as soon as you logout.
    If 'Remember me' is checked then you are show as still online for 30 mins after you have logged out.

  8. 9 hours ago, hazelnut said:

    Just done a test and I can click on page after page of search results for posts by me with the word 'version' in them.

    There is a very, very slight delay (turning arrow) of about one second between load of each page that's all.

    Could it be browser related for you?

    I've checked on Malwarbytes which has the same version of IPB (4.2.5) and that's fine if a bit slow to change page, I'm only getting the flood control on here, so it would seem to be site related and not a browser problem.

    It's happening when changing pages in the search results if the current page has been up for less than 15 seconds.

    Note that despite the warning text this is not a new search, just a page change for the current search results.

    Below is a screenshot of what I am seeing if I try to change page quickly, (obviously I tried to change that one within a second of it opening up).


    I've just done a google of the error code and it does seem to be an IPBv4 setting/problem, it's been reported for various forums that had updated their version to v4.

    It also appears that the timer setting for flood control can be set differently for different usergroups, so probably you are not seeing this flood control because you are in the moderator group?


  9. Cheers Hazel,


    I had overlooked that '+search by author' button and was looking in the selections below.


    I'm still having an issue with the flood control when trying to change the results page, looks like it's set at 15 seconds for a page change.

    I guess I'll just have to slow down.

  10. I'm having problems with the Advanced Search.

    The search will not let me filter results for content made by a particular user. (Searching for one of my own old posts).

    So I search just for the term used by any user,
    The user I'm looking for (me) is not on page 1 of the results,
    So I click for page 2..... and get flood control. ("Please wait ## seconds before attempting another search).
    Which means back to the start again.

    But then it seems to extend the flood timer interval and so you have to wait even longer before making a new search or trying to change the results page.

    It's making the search virtually unusable.

  11. Never found out just what was causing it,

    best guess was that changes made to IE/Edge in Windows 10 meant that CC had to be changed, and this somehow slowed down the checking of IE history.


    If you have disabled it and want to do a one off clean (after using IE to test something), then just right click the greyed out 'history' in CC and clean it from there.

    (Right clicking  on any single category will give the option to ananlyse/clean it, whether it's ticked or not for 'standard' cleaning)

  12. 5 minutes ago, Augeas said:

     If I know I last visited the forum at 10.30 last night, it would be, and was, easy to just look back at posts with a later time. Now I have to work out whether n hours ago <> current time + (24 - (convert last logon time to 24 hrs)).

    I just use the 'Unread Content' button, and set the time period to 'Since my last visit'.

  13. 2 hours ago, login123 said:

    Well, my cell phone is rotting my brain,

    I just filled in, yesterday, the 2017 questionaire of a long term Imperial College study into the health effects of mobile phone use.

    I had wondered why this questionaire now included a section on wifi usage as well as the phone use.

    Sorry, but you can't join the study now - it's been ongoing since 2009 and should finish in 2021.

    PS. That cress experiment was carried out by 15 y/o school girls, and while the results were interesting the experimental conditions were not very rigorous.
    Made a great scare story for some elements of the popular press though.

    The suggestion by scientists interviewed about the research is that routers give out heat, and this probably dried out the cress in the rooms with the routers in, so equivalent water was not enough for them.

    (Honest mum I've not been on Facebook all night, it's the wifi signal that's stopping me sleeping).

  14. 5 hours ago, hazelnut said:


    Which forum skin are you using, default or Piriform? Does anything alter for you regarding the prong working if you change skins?


    Changing the skin makes no difference to the prong, it's just not there for me on the desktop version.

    Like I say I've worked out a couple of other ways to link a particular post if I want to so it's not a big problem.

    (Right click the post time and 'copy link location' is easiest).


    Interestingly I had another look on Malwarebytes, they used to show both the prong and the post number, but now I don't see the prong there either.

    Might be something that changed on my computer, maybe during the FCU?

    I still see the prong on both forums when using my Android phone.


    Apparently the routine that shows the post count (# number) is a plug-in and not part of the main IPboard software.


    So Admin will need to load the plugin again for the updated forum to get the # numbers back.

  15. If there are unread posts then you should see a black 'dot' (or star) at the left of the thread title in the forum or activity listing.

    Clicking on that should open it at the first unread post.


    (The star shows if you have made a post in that thread).

  16. I see the three prong 'share link' thing on mobile and it works, but not on Windows?

    And clicking the date on Windows just refreshes the page to that post.

    (So you could copy the link to a specific post from the browser address bar).

    Right Click on the date and 'copy link location'  also works.


    It's got to be a setting somewhere.



    Just been over to Malwarebytes who are using IPboard version 4.2.5 and they are showing the # numbers for the posts.

    A little strange becaues you have to move your cursor into the post to see "Report Post" and the # number in the top right corner.

    It's got to be a setting in IPboard.

    They have been having teething problems with the IPB updates over there as well:

    This linking question in particular:



    Lots of others:


  17. Don't like it. 


    Not too bad on the laptop.

    (Malwarebytes forum has been using this Ipboard version for a while so sort of used to that).

    But on the mobile/Android version it's horrible IMO.

  18. The plot thickens a bit.


    Further talking it turns out that before he came to me his daughter had factory reset it, and then somehow he set up a 'sketch' type password by making a random squiggle on the screen.


    Of course my factory reset should have cleared that.


    I'm reading that I may be able to connect it to my laptop and completly reset it with a new account - if he had certain settings on the tablet.

  19. It was a Time2 tablet.


    Unfortunately I can't play about with it now.


    Had no luck with it so he has now taken it home to try and find/remember what password he used.


    As I said we did the google 'forgotten password' thing and they sent a code to his phone.

    But entering this code and setting a new password did nothing, it kept coming back asking for the old password.


    TBH we may have been trying to reset the wrong account.

    He has various gmail accounts with different addresses/passwords, he's been setting up a new google account everytime he gets a new device.

    And most are associated with the same mobile number, which is not a smartphone.


    So for now I've told him to try and remember what email address and password he used for that tablet.


    Failing that he's going to have to get back onto Time2 and see if they can do anything, at least they are in Blackburn and not China.


    PS. I had another friend who was 'locked out' of her Windows laptop last month. At least with Windows I could force it into troubleshooting mode without a password and do a complete reinstall.

    I was looking for the possibility of some option like this to get into the Android tablet without a password.

  20. I'm trying to help a friend with his android tablet.


    He had a problem and the suppliers support line advised a factory reset.


    He did this but now can't get into the thing again.


    It keeps asking for his previous google account details.

    And of course it's been some time since he set this up and doesn't remember the password.


    I factory reset it myself. (Pin in the hole job).

    Still the same problem.


    So 'forgot my password' routine, got a code by text and entered it, but it just reset to asking for the old account again.


    Anybody know how to force the thing to think it's straight out of the box so he can set up a new Google account on it?


    (And yes I realise that there are security implications if it was easy to do this).

  21. Yes, its not very clear on the purchase page(s) is it.


    The Pro version itself, (with the additional features of monitoring, automatic updates, cleaning multiple user profiles, etc.), is a 'lifetime' purchase.

    Oh, after a year the automatic updating stops and you have to update manualy, hardly a big job.


    The priority support via emal is yearly however, and so your licence needs to be renewed every year to continue to have access to priority support.


    In effect you are paying once for the Pro version of CCleaner, + one year of priority support.

    If after a year if you want to continue priority support then you renew your licence.

    If you don't renew then all that goes missing is priority support and automatic updates.


    When your license expires, the product will continue to work, but you will lose some additional features such as automatic updates and priority support. The remaining Professional features will continue to work.


  22. I once put chrome on a laptop to try it out, didn't like it and it then took me 3 days to get rid of all traces, files, registry entries, links, etc.

    (And you are still never quite sure you got it all, unless you completely reinstall your OS).

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