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Everything posted by eL_PuSHeR

  1. There are still some quirks I don't like about Windows 7 (like being unable to turn off f*****g Video Write Combining). Still running WinXP SP3.
  2. Indeed it does. I have my C drive compressed and I haven't noticed anything wrong. I assume Defraggler uses standard APIs.
  3. Hello. There is one "trial of fire" that I like to run on every defragmeter I try and, believe me, I have tried almost 15 or 20 of them. Namely, to hit *again*^the "defrag" button after finishing defragmenting. Then if defragmenter starts again, it's a bad one for me. A good one would say "drive already defragmented". Unfortunately, using Defraggler 1.20 on WinXP on a non-system 100GB partition, it starts moving data all around even if it's has been defragmented a few minutes before (and it took it a long time to complete). Of course, the partition was defragmented and no process was having any access to it. What do you think? Could this be considered a bug or just a bad placement strategy choice?. PS - Well, it's true defraggler won't start again when defragging an already defragged drive, but it will move a lot of files from the center of the drive if some files are added/modified. Still testing.
  4. Yes, that's what I meant. I do not use "move large files to the end of disk" option, but using Defrag Drive defragment 100% all my drives. Do you have a lot of programs running in the background? Any programs that may be accessing the disk?
  5. Which method of defragging are you using?
  6. HERE. And I think there are more posts related to this issue.
  7. I think this has been discussed before. Yes, it seems to be a bug.
  8. It could be space taken up by System Restore Points.
  9. I have said several times that for me Windows built-in defragmenter takes a lot fewer time defragging huge partitions. But it isn't fair comparing Defraggler "slow" method to Windows built-in defragmenter one. When using QuickDefrag, Defraggler is faster and it allows for defragmenting single files.
  10. Your call. I prefer to keep most software updated but I advise reading the changelog first.
  11. Are you sure? Even if hightlited, Defraggler refuses to do anything for the $MFT, at least for me, running Windows XP. If I force it to defrag, it will say, "0 files defragged".
  12. Thanks for the heads up.
  13. That's my thought too. Defraging after booting from BartPE or similar. And, yes, I know of Diskeeper and PerfectDisc boot-time defrag capabilities but they are paid products.
  14. Check the second option under Options > Advanced
  15. More cleaning = more risk of sweeping anything important for the system
  16. If you delete pagefile.sys it will be recreated on next startup. If you have enough contiguous space it will probably be created without fragmentation.
  17. Hello. I would like Defraggler to be able to defrag MFT and NTFS metadata for non-locked drives/partitions. I have the bad feeling that it cannot be done using Windows defragmenting API. Anyway it would be nice.
  18. You are looking for FOLDER names. It won't work.
  19. I don't see any real difference when going from 3.6.3 to 3.6.4 I am still under good old WinXP and I have just a few plugins and extensions (unMHT, SaveImages, Java, Flash, QT)
  20. I don't see any GUI differences between 1.19 and 1.20. Maybe that's just because I am using older W98 theme on WinXP.
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