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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. Or spamming, just adding 'I agree' to every thread :rolleyes:


    OMG! Rather than thinking he's a spammer why don't you give him the benefit of the doubt and consider the possiblity that he's trying to get involved.


    Be nice to the newbies....jeeeeeezzzzzzzzz



    Ignore E! :P

  2. Hey CCleaner Forum.I just downloaded CCleaner and just registered here.I'm a beginner at CC and had a question about Active X.Under Active X/COMIssue it shows CounterSpy one of my anti-spyware programs.Are these remnants of older versions?

    Thanks for any help


    Probably. Have you uninstalled CounterSpy? If not can you post a screen shot please? :)

  3. Well there is some merit to this project IMO. At least check something out before writing it off as 'pure bulls**t' <_<


    Agreed, and agreed. I think the project is brilliant, and I love the altruistic approach as well. Thanks for the post Aaron. I read a lot about this a while ago on MG's forum...they are big supporters of this project.

  4. To me its just better to let discusions continue then try to control them. After all at this point I think most of the regulars here just come here to talk to one another anyway, with a little tech help on the side. :D


    That requires a split thread. LOL ;)


    Maybe most regulars do come here to talk to one another with a little tech help on the side, and maybe not. Who cares though?


    The point is...well you answered it. Thanks. :)


    And now I will be expecting responses to those types of PMs. LOL

  5. I have a question. It is often requested for threads to be split once they've gone to a different topic, and it's never done. Does this forum just not do that sort of thing? It would be helpful to know so that I can stop asking. ;)

  6. can somebody split this topic or something? the topic is supposed to be about Opera's Ad Blocker and not about the HOSTS file. this discussion is just silly when i look at it.

    Yeah splitting threads would be helpful. :)


    Please and thank you. :lol:

  7. Probably, however it looks really stupid seeing a large email address twice on a wallpaper thus ruining it. After all the wallpaper isn't a Ford GT which then a big ole Ford logo would be logical. The author could have simply put the creation info at the bottom in small text which would be hidden by the taskbar.


    FINE!!!! Everyone hates my wallpaper then. But I love it. :P:D:P:D

  8. I'll just start posting the links now. Here is the latest popup. grrrrrrrrrrrrr



    Other than that using a customized pagefile can cause a horde of memory related issues such as; an app that typically never gives any problems may all of a sudden start barking about being out of memory.


    Yep. My work machine said it was about out of mem so I just increased the pagefile size, and it's been fine ever since. :blink:


    There is always something, eh?

  9. Well I've been coming to this site for a long time now and never gotten a pop up. :P(on any of my 3 computers)


    What kind of pop ups are you getting?

    I've been logged into this forum 24/7 for 4 months now. It's just started happening this week. I described the types of popups earlier in the thread.


    Should I post a HJT log or something? I have the same security as you rridgley, including the router. What do you think?

  10. You either let Windows manage it, or set it according to how much RAM you have.


    If you have 256MB or 512MB of RAM, set it to 1024 min / 2048 max.

    If you have 1024MB or higher, set it to at least 512 min/max or use a sliding size (512 / 1024).

    Yep. His was set at the default....900 and something which I thought was fine. But on my work machine I had to change it to a ridiculous high number for some reason. :) I'm not sure why though.

  11. OMG! I never even notice that anymore. roflmao I never would have known what you were talking about. :P


    The email address is probably the author's email of that wallpaper. ;)

  12. For all of you myspace haters,,,myspace isn't the culprit. It's either CCleaner or gmail. Because I'm on my work machine right now, which has Adblock Plus, and gmail and CCleaner are the only tabs open and I just got a popup. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr This is driving me nuts.



    okay, rant over

  13. @krit86lr: amarjeethans@gmail.com ?? LOL nice wallpaper! I think you should tweak your dexstop a bit more ;)

    I love my desktop. What else should I do to it? :(:(:(:(:(


    btw - Am I supposed to email you? :huh:

  14. tarun, how do i disable them? and where do i find "manage". im using windows live messenger 8, and i dont see these options.


    all i want is my 'k' back! lol! i cant even get the pink one back!




    Tools > Options > Messages > (under) General Message Settings


    Between this thread, and the keyboard thread....I've been getting some good laughs. :D

  15. hey! i fixed that by changing the paging file size! (and it was my dads laptop so i didnt really care!)


    ROFLMAO....You never told me that worked for you. But the numbers that you PMd me were fine. What did you change the numbers to?



    temporarily hijacking my own thread :P

  16. maybe you should switch over to IE. LOL. ive never had an unwanted pop up.


    Oh, yeah. And how long does it take for an IE page to freeze on you? 5 minutes? ROFLMAO



    I couldn't pass that up. ;)

  17. maybe you should switch over to IE. LOL. ive never had an unwanted pop up.


    I'm not biting on that line. ;) Luv ya tho! :D


    Moving on....


    If any suggests refer me to IE, then don't bother...cause I'm not switching. FF FTW!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D

  18. dont click on any ads and you wont get any pop ups from what ive seen.

    myspace isnt bad, if your not addicted to it.


    I never click on Ads so that isn't the issue here.



    AHAHAH see what happens when you let people pursuade you into things... POPUPS!!!!


    nah just kidding, but I bet MP is right. Myspace is evil.


    CCleaner was the open tab when the last popup occurred, if that makes any difference.

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