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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. Yup! And for anyone about to update over the already installed version make sure you backup your exclude.ini file and then merge it with the new one.


    Okay. Thanks for the tip Andavari. :)

  2. Sorry to hear about your issues with ccleaner. The only way I could think that happened is if all of your files were in temp folders or you set my documents as a custom file.


    Don't forget that if your environment variables are not pointing to the appropriate place, CCleaner will delete the wrong files as well.


    I still believe that the beginner's guide should give instructions on how to check your environment variable as a precautionary step. :P

  3. Yes, I work for as a police officer. Unfortunately, we cant seem to get criminals to keep their crimes confined to 9 - 5 monday to friday. :)


    ROFLMAO - But they are obviously understaffed. You still shouldn't be working like that, you are going to slip up and possibleyget hurt working under such a sleep deprived situation.


    Be careful please! We like having you around. :)

  4. i also heard this from the main hijackthis log checker at majorgeeks.com, he complained about ccleaner corrupting java, which it did..


    That may be so, but majorgeeks DOES support CCleaner (moderators, admins, etc...). CCleaner is still a required procedure on their malware removal forum prior to posting a HJT log. See Here


    However, I would like to note that I have noticed that most malware removal experts do not like the registry cleaning part of any program. I am not clear why this is so, but I have seen this commonality.


    Why I thought it might be you is the apparent difference in opinions of CC.


    Look below "TheFireInTheSky's" avatar. It says "aka neighboraaron". ;)

  5. I use Ashampoo Magical Defrag on this computer. XP Compatiblity thingy?

    hehe I use the word "thingy" too much. lmao


    > Insert installation CD

    > Check system compatibility

    > Check my system automatically


    Just to be on the safe side. And as E keeps pointing out, a chkdsk /r is always a good idea too. :)

  6. I assume since running CCleaner, it's done something to the registry which is preventing me from running the defrag.

    More than likely not, but someone here still might be able to help you out. ;) Definitely try Hazelnut's Safe Mode idea first. If that doesn't work let us know, and provide us with some more information. Are you defragging from an administrator account, percentage of hard drive free space, and what is your operating system?


    Good luck! Keep us posted! :)

  7. I belive the requirement is 15 percent freespace.


    Yep! ;)


    I'm administrator and also I have 15 gb of space left. It says that the My Music folder can't be defragmented. I used a third party defragmenter and it seems that the computer is running faster.....


    What 3rd party defragmenter did you use? I've used some suggested here, then later ran the XP Compatibility thingy and found out they were incompatible. Just be careful, and use the Compatibility wizard to detect incompatible software just to be on the safe side. If you want to of course. :P

  8. There are a few reasons why you may not be able to defrag.


    * 1st of all you need to be the administrator, and your permissions could be messed up.

    * 2nd of all, you need 15mb or more of hard drive space for defragging. So you may need to make some free space.


    Could either of these situations be the problem?

  9. After a Nortons update, Ccleaner will not detete FoxFire cookies. Get.... 75: Path/File access error and Error cleaning FoxFire cookies 75-Path/File access error. FoxFire set to delete cookies at power down and turn off. Worked great before last Norton up date..Can't delete cookies with FoxFire(options etc).. ??? Thanks..jdroost@gmail.com


    Hi jdroost, and welcome. :)


    I don't know the solution to your problem, and nor have I ever heard of it before. Maybe MrG will know more about it. But I wanted to mention that it's not a good idea to post your email publically like that, it's a good way to get spammed. ;)

  10. LOL! Although it's for a valid help request and if you have up-to-date installed antivirus and antispyware the possibility of getting something is remote.


    Yeah, but remember that we've had quite a few attacks on this forum and that would be a sneaky way to do it. ;)


    Sorry, totally off topic. @fisherking, follow rridgley's advice. :)

  11. LOL Cowboy. OS means Operating System, so you answered my question (XP). ;)


    You could try merging these 2 files first and see if that works. If it doesn't work then it seems to be malware related.


    First download the TaskManager_Reset.txt file. Right-click the file and choose rename. Change the .txt to .reg then press Enter. Then double-click the file to merge.


    Second download the taskmgrenable.txt file. Right-click the file and choose rename. Change the .txt to .reg then press Enter. Then double-click the file to merge.



  12. Hi flaviote, and welcome. :)


    Reinstalling the VB Runtimes really should be your solution. Could you tell us what OS you are running?


    Also, do this for me. Try to run CCleaner again, and let it crash (note the time of the crash please). Then immediately do the following:

    1. (click) Start

    2. (click) Settings

    3. (click) Control Panel

    4. (open) Administrative Tools

    5. (open) Event Viewer


    Now open the Application log, and the System log. Look for Warnings and Error at the time that CCleaner crashed.


    If there are any Warnings and/or Errors. Please post them. It will probably be best, and easiest to post screenshots of them.


    Thanks. :)

  13. But I can't because it's out of stock :angry: .

    I know. It's out of stock everywhere. It's a shame that none of us got one before they ran out. I would pay the $250 just for all of the parts if nothing else.


    After shipping costs, and tax the total was $250, fyi. ;)

  14. :unsure: I downloaded ccleaner before the 1.32.345 update. I erased the existing CCleaner and downloaded the new version. Now when I hit the analyse or run cleaner button, the green progress bar just keeps going and going. Any suggestions?


    If it's running then it's still doing something. I would just let it keep running until it's finished. How long did you let it run for?

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