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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. Recycle Bin is just a desktop link.


    The real folder should be in D:\RECYCLER\ and have a folder name like S-1-5-21-343818398-2146017927-1417001333-13029


    In Windows Explorer > Tools > Folder Options > View, you may have to deselect "Hide protected operating system files" in order to see it.

  2. The cookies are actually only in one place, the other folder is just another view displaying the filename in a different syntax.


    If you copy a cookie, e.g., Cookie:username@news.google.ca from C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files to any other folder, it'll turn into username@news.google[1].txt ... the same name as shown in C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Cookies.


    If you delete a cookie in C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files, it will disappear from C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Cookies. If you do the reverse, it won't disappear but it won't be accessible, i.e., you'll get the error message "Cannot read from the source file or disk."


    Because of this asymmetry, it's possible for the two lists to get out of synch and look different .

  3. I'm not on either side of this argument but I don't like to see pseudo-scientific arguments.


    The speed of rotation of the earth is gradually slowing down due mainly to the gravitational pull of the sun and moon. If the earth is billions of years old, then the spin of the earth would have had to have been so fast at the start, that the continents would have been forced to the equator and the planet would be flatter rather than oval-shaped.

    The earth is slowing down at the rate of about 0.005 seconds per year per year. If the earth is 4.6 billion year old, this means that the day started out about 14 hours long. The molten blob at that time would have been slightly more oblate than it is now but the earth is still a semi-molten blob so it's shape adjusts and the continents still move.


    Note that Jupiter's day is less than 10 hours and although it's an oblate, it's not obvious. The equatorial radius/polar radius ratio is only 1.07.

  4. It deletes a lot of cookies. It deleted the cookie for an online game auction site I go to.


    Actually, I no longer clean cookies with CCleaner.


    I found that CleanCache lets you list cookies to save in a way that better handles those that alternate during sessions, e.g., news.google[1] then news.google[2] then back to news.google[1]. Because the save list will retain the name of a cookie you don't currently have, you just list the whole rotation pattern (I had one site that went from [1] to [3] before repeating).


    you cant get in trouble if you dont do anything
    Agreed, but krit said you were monitoring other people. Can what they do get you in trouble? Can you get in trouble for monitoring them (I don't know your privacy laws)? If their confidential info gets leaked because of your actions, are you liable?
  6. 1. Anything you send over the internet leaves a trail of copies you can't control. Your keylogger sends the logs by e-mail so there will be copies on the sending e-mail server, the receiving e-mail server, etc. Your ISP will retain their copies for several years (they are required to by law).


    2. Various government agencies monitor e-mail traffic for keywords.


    3. Are you sure you can trust the program? The tale is apocryphal but ... supposedly there was a freeware file shredder that e-mailed a copy of the files first. :lol:

  7. He installed it to track what people are doing on his machine.

    OK, I can understand that. I'd still go for logging to a local file ... once it's sent over the internet, you can't ever be sure it won't surface someplace.
  8. etiennehu

    C:\Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent
    Doesn't look like the correct path. Which version of Windows and which version of Office are you using?


    EDIT: Oops! The most obvious possibility ... did you remember to enable Cleaner > Windows > Advanced > Custom Files and Folders?

  9. Assuming it's not a rights issue, one possible explanation is that it's running. Use Task Manager > Processes to check. If it is running, End Process and then delete the file and folder. This may mean there's a shortcut in the C:\Documents and Settings\[uSER]\Start Menu\Programs\Startup or C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup which needs to be deleted.

  10. Check the file properties to see if the files are still compressed.


    If I recall correctly, with NTFS compression, when you decompress a folder, the subfolders and files within are not decompressed unless you select that option.

  11. it shows up as theres 2 drives which theres only one

    The "phantom" CD/DVD problem is common and you will find various references on the internet. The cause has been attributed to the drive hardware, drivers, burner software, etc. but I've never seen a definitive answer.


    I used to have the problem sporadically until (for other reasons) I happened to change the drive letter assignments using Control Panel > Computer Management > Disk Management > Change Drive Letter and Paths. It could have been coincidental but is a harmless fix to try.


    couldnt make a restore point either

    This may be too obvious but did you check the settings under Control Panel > System > System Restore?

  12. I don't know the app at all. Does the "Reserve 10 MB" mean you've set the file or folder limit to 10 MB?


    Even recording at a low bit rate, 43 minutes could easily exceed 10 MB. Consider that a typical music CD is about 400 MB.

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