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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. Sorry, no idea. Unless you've run up against the FAT32 or NTFS limit (unlikely), or ran out of available drive space, I'm not aware of any general limit on file or folder size. Any such limit is probably set by the app you are using (a limit on file size is common but one on folder size seems strange).

  2. I was running ccleaner and my firewall alterted me that ccleaner was trying to connect to the internet.

    Check to see if Options > Settings > Automatically check for updates to CCleaner is enabled. That is the only reason CCleaner should access the internet.


    When I first downloaded and installed the product it ran very quickly and frankly it did not find nearly as much as I would have thought in the temporary internet files. Now it is running longer....much longer and finding more stuff. What do you think is going on.
    Can't help without more detail. What kind of stuff? ... Windows? Applications? Issues? (and what subcategories?)
  3. Just as a point of information:


    Because of this thread, I happened to check my C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download after the April Windows update. Although the updates were all successful I had 6 folders and 1 file left in the folder.


    I found one article stating that the C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download folder emptied itself 10 days after the update, so I checked the folder daily.


    The folder contents were there late on day 9 and gone first thing on day 10.

  4. 1. I have 4 seperate logins on my windows XP computer. Crap cleaner is in my login, is it true that when using it, it only cleans stuff in my login? and if so how can I get CC into the other logins as I cannot find it in programs?

    See this thread Muliple users


    2. Under applications if I ticked Flash and Quicktime players, would this uninstall these two programs? and then would I have to install them when next needed?
    CCleaner will just clean the cache for the application not the app itself.


    3. When I ticked the Office XP under application and analyzed, I saw lots of lines, for eg;


    C;/documents and settings/hoddy/application data/microsoft/office/recent/a letter of mine.Link 807 bytes


    they all seemed to show LINK after the file (actual letters) By cleaning these would I be getting rid of the actual letters that I have in my documents, or is it cleaning someting else connected with the letter?

    The extension is .lnk. They are only shortcuts and cleaning them will not affect the actual documents. However I wouldn't recommend selecting Office.
  5. Determine which cookies you need to keep. The names should make it obvious but, if in doubt, open each cookie using Notepad (some of the contents may be in hexadecimal but you should be able to recognize your passwords).


    Then, in CCleaner, use Options > Cookies > Cookies to Keep to protect the cookies which you need. Use CCleaner to clean the cookies rather than manually deleting them.

  6. Oops! Sorry, I (and apparently medab_1) thought you meant Google Toolbar.


    If you're just using Google search from their site, AFAIK there is no special Google search history. It should just be your browser cache / forms history (I don't use FireFox).

  7. WARNING! Read the posts on the Eraser Forum. Eraser 5.8 appears to be a beta and, despite several revisions (which don't appear to be clearly identified), serious bugs are still being reported.

  8. Some possibilities to check:


    1. Were all the cookies kept?


    2. Is the CCleaner Options > Cookies list showing all cookies? The failure of CCleaner to do this has been reported in the past by several users. Confirm by comparing with Cookies displayed by Windows Explorer.


    3. Are the settings saved in incrementally numbered cookies? Some websites create a new cookie each time there's the slightest change and alternate version numbers, e.g., user@news.google[1].txt then user@news.google[2].txt then user@news.google[1].txt. I have found some sites that rotate through 1 to 3 for no apparent reason. If that's the case, protecting cookie[1] may not protect cookie[2] or [3].

  9. It looks like Google Toolbar (or at least some of it) is required for Google Earth, so you can't delete the registry key.


    You could edit the winapp.ini entry for Google Toolbar but you would have to remember to re-edit it every time you upversion.

  10. 640 min, 640 max.


    I notice that you recommend a smaller setting than most. I know Microsoft's 1.5X to 3X RAM isn't logical and that there's no advantage to setting virtual memory size larger than my programs will use but (assuming I have the drive space) is there a disadvantage to a larger setting?

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