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Posts posted by Glenn


    If you were working on a document, and went back to a SR point, it would delete your document or roll-back changes to it, ...
    Incorrect. Because System Restore does not record changes to document files, it cannot and will not delete nor roll back changes to documents under normal circumstances. The only situation where this might happen is a document, e.g., a ReadMe.txt, within a system or program folder that was deleted by rolling back.
  2. My problem of being uncomfortable is making sure everything is in it that Dell said was in it. Like McAfee, anitvirus, etc. I wouldn't know where to look for that. Plus, I want (before anything) to have all those crappy "freebies" they give that show on your desktop.

    I'm on my third Dell but I have to agree with the others ... Dell support has deteriorated over the years and they probably wouldn't be much help in this area. Your best bet is to check with friends for a reliable technogeek and promise him/her a beer.


    I also bought the printer, scanner, fax all in one - is that hard to hook up??
    There should just be a power cord, a telephone cord and a USB cable which (because the ends are completely different) should be impossible to connect incorrectly.
  3. Have you looked at the set-up instructions? It's just one sheet with large scale diagrams. Virtually all specialized connections are colour coded. Most of the rest are USB so it won't matter exactly which port you use.


    If you're still uncomfortable, ask a reliable friend but don't pay anyone ... it's easier than connecting a VCR to your TV.

  4. The lowest spec I've seen is 12 dBA, there may be better but many are 30 - 40 dBA. To some extent it's a trade-off ... more air moved = more cooling, but also more noise. But remember that a CPU cooler isn't sitting in the open in front of you. The sound will be muffled by the case and your power supply cooling fan is probably a lot louder.


    Some coolers come with pre-applied thermal conductive material, others come with thermal paste but if neither is provided, you can get the paste at any electronic parts shop.

  5. What is the difference between DBA and DB? How much should it be? What about the cooling pasta?
    "dB" is the abbreviation for decibel, a measure of sound pressure. There are numerous sites that explain it. For practical purposes, the rule of thumb is +10 dB difference is approximately twice as loud to the human ear.


    A perfect sound meter would measure sound pressure equally across all frequencies but that's not the way the human ear works. "dBA" means that the measurement is taken using an A-scale filter which means the mid-range of human hearing is given the most weight. "dBC" is sometimes used for very high sound pressures (e.g., jet engines) where you can "feel" the sound.


    Points of Reference *measured in dBA

    0 the softest sound a person can hear with normal hearing

    10 normal breathing

    20 whispering at 5 feet

    30 soft whisper

    50 rainfall

    60 normal conversation

    110 shouting in ear

    120 thunder


    "Cooling pasta" is sometime used to refer to a thermal paste used to aid heat conductivity between two surfaces fitted together.

  6. I have observed that, sometimes, cookies that existed but hadn't been selected to keep before the most recent install/update of CCleaner don't seem to show in the left hand column.


    I have made them appear by deleting the existing cookie and going to the website to create a fresh one. Once selected to the right hand column, they seem be "remembered" during updates

  7. I'm sorry, but I am very confused. A validation key for what? (CCleaner???)


    <_< I just want to know what you guys are talking about. (nosy) ;)


    Who is "they"?


    User ID and validation key for this forum. The e-mail was signed "The CCleaner Forums team".
  8. You must have an older version of Outlook. If I recall correctly, the "special functionality" was just the ability to right-click to access control panels (similar to the Internet Explorer desktop icon). We had users in our office accidentally (don't ask me how) delete it and we just replaced it with an ordinary desktop shortcut icon. No one ever seemed to notice the difference.


    I don't think anyone ever used the "special functionality" and Microsoft must have abandoned the idea. Outlook 2003 uses an ordinary desktop shortcut.

  9. I get a Perflib_Perfdata_xxx.dat file in my Temp folder but it's associated with my Retrospect Backup software and automatically deletes when I exit the application.


    AFAIK, the dat file is not directly created by Retrospect Backup but is created by a Microsoft background process called the Performance Data Log Service utility triggered by the application. You can find numerous references in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.


    You may have an application that also triggers the process.


    It doesn't seem to be associated with CCleaner.

  10. Although it's not a problem for most, theoretically, any calculation involving decimals or fractions is subject to rounding errors. The decimal input has to be converted to binary for processing (possibly multiple stages) and then converted back to decimal output.


    The processor has to pick a "best fit" conversion at each stage. The limits of precision have improved with each generation of processor but, in the old days, you would regularly see discrepancies if you went to enough decimal places. I seem to recall there was an entire model of early Pentium's recalled because of unacceptable rounding errors.

  11. sweepee means that there is no D:\Recycled\


    I was trying to point out that if sweepee has set Recycle Bin Properties for D:\ to "Do not move files to the Recycle Bin ...", that would explain why there is no D:\Recycled\.

  12. Right-click the Recycle Bin and check Properties. If Global > Configure drives independently is selected, check the tab for your second drive. You may have selected "Do not move files to the Recycle Bin ...".

  13. 1. Pick a number from 2 to 9. It can be 2 or it can be 9, or any number in between.

    2. Take the number that you've chosen, and multiply it by 9.

    3. That should give you a two digit number. Take those two digits and add them together.

    4. Take the resulting number and subtract 5 from it.

    5. Take that number and correspond it to the alphabet, numbering the letters 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, and so on.

    6. Take your letter, and think of a country that begins with that letter.

    7. Take the last letter in the name of that country, and think of an animal.

    8. Now, take the last letter in the name of that animal, and think of a color.




    The majority of English-speaking people will arrive at ORANGE.

  14. 1. Pick a number from 2 to 9. It can be 2 or it can be 9, or any number in between.

    2. Take the number that you've chosen, and multiply it by 9.

    3. That should give you a two digit number. Take those two digits and add them together.

    4. Take the resulting number and subtract 5 from it.

    5. Take that number and correspond it to the alphabet, numbering the letters 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, and so on.

    6. Take your letter, and think of a country that begins with that letter.

    7. Take the last letter in the name of that country, and think of an animal.

    8. Now, take the last letter in the name of that animal, and think of a color.



  15. If this is the first time you've ever run CCleaner > Issues, try running it with only a few of the categories checked.


    I have found that if there are an extreme number of items found, it can freeze up but if you do an initial cleaning a few categories at a time, subsequent cleanings will run with everything checked.

  16. Depending on your situation, this may help: I have observed that, sometimes, cookies that existed before the last install/update of CCleaner don't seem to show in the left hand column. I have made them appear by deleting the existing cookie and going to the website to create a fresh one.

  17. That could be another source but I've seen the ~DFxxxx.tmp files for years on PC's that don't have Microsoft Antispyware. My observation is that a pair of such files (one 16KB & one 32KB) is created when I view an e-mail which contains an attachment or at the moment I add an attachment to an e-mail. Closing the e-mail doesn't seem to affect the files but they automatically delete when I close Outlook.


    It could be that several Microsoft apps use the filename or run a common process that uses the filename. Another possibility is that the Microsoft Antispyware has a bug that is preventing the normal deletion of the files.

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