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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. There's quite a few articles but it's not too practical yet:


    June 20, 2006

    IBM chip breaks speed records

    Filed under: Processors

    By "freezing" chips to 451 degrees below zero, researchers have produced a semiconductor that operates 250 times faster than chips commonly used today.


    According to a report in today's New York Times, researchers at IBM and Georgia Institute of Technology achieved the speed milestone using a cryogenic test station to freeze the chip with liquid helium to temperatures normally found only in outer space.

  2. The HD Tune site says 55 deg C is the standard alarm level. Some other sites seem to consider anything above 50 deg C risky. The highest reading I've ever seen on my hard drive was 45 deg C.


    It might just be the one drive is dying or, depending on the cause of the high temperature, e.g., blocked air flow, other components could be overheating.



    It shouldn't delete any necessary stuff but there can be problems if your system is already messed up, or you are running betas, e.g., IE7, or you have data or application files in the wrong places, e.g., temp folders.


    I recommend you create a System Restore point or (better) a backup image of your drive before you first CCleaner.

  4. From what you said in the other thread, there is a chance that you may not have deleted the pictures at all ... just shortcuts to them.


    Use Windows Explorer to navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\Shared Pictures and see if the pictures are still there.

  5. I'm just saying that there can be multiple causes and differing effects for each of us.


    As an example, if I were to filter out www.lunarsoft.net or lunarsoft was temporarily unavailable, I would not be able to see your avatar but I would be able to see all the other avatars on this thread. This could explain the "some will show and others don't" situation you mentioned.


    In this recent incident, like LOTW, I lost all the images on the forum and got the red X placeholders. I tested a hunch and found that unblocking Referers corrected the problem. I contacted MrG and he confirmed that he had temporarily changed settings for a few days. Those settings would only have affected those of us that block Referers (see article). At other times, other setting changes may have been the cause, and may or may not have affected all of us.

  6. I don't remember about the avatars actually. I think that some will show and others don't when the forum gets all weird. Are you using FF btw?

    I think that what causes some images such as the avatars to sometimes drop out is the various url's being used. With individual sites changing settings or going offline, some of us using filters, etc. the images become unavailable.


    LOTW, this most recent incident only affected those of us that block referers.

  7. i dont know why, but the forum is good again today. nothing has changed on my computer, so i dont know what that was all about. hmmmmm.

    I PMed MrG and we sorted it out. He had temporarily changed some settings.
  8. I'm not sure if this is what you mean but:


    The Folders button (highlighted in your screenshot) toggles the view for the left hand window; the button immediately to the right of it lets you select the view for the right hand window.

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