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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. Sorry for getting a bit off topic, but the only leftover pieces that I can find are the dll's. Should I go for it? :D


    Perhaps, and maybe not. However if it isn't installed properly I see no point in keeping the .dll's so long as another app isn't using them, remember to unregister those .dll's first and then run a few registry cleaners.

  2. Run chkdsk on your C: drive to check for disk errors:

    1. Click Start, Run, type in: chkdsk /f c:

    2. Select Yes for chkdsk to launch the next time Windows starts.

    3. Then restart Windows immediately!

    Strangely enough it could be an error within Windows (such as a memory error, etc) during your current session and the restart "may" cure it.


    If after restarting the problems are still present you could use a System Restore point as suggested by Ultimate Predator if your programs still don't work. If that doesn't work you'd have to reinstall those programs.


    Note: Reinstalling the programs may actually require you to do a clean install of them versus and overinstall, e.g.; uninstall followed by a reboot and then install. Although with that said I'd try the overinstall first to negate having to reconfigure the programs from scratch.

  3. You can grab the Mustang here as I don't remember where I downloaded it from.


    I'm not using any theme packs at all, it's the official Microsoft Windows XP Royale Theme, download it here.


    About the icons some are from famfamfam.com, iconaholic.com, and there's also a few free ones from a very expensive set at yellowicon.com. The Mozilla icon is one of a few I created myself, and the ewido anti-malware one is from an image stripped out of the program itself that I modified into a few icons because I don't like the default distracting bright yellow icon.

  4. Someone started using Common Sense with the trademark tacked onto the end of it I think during some firewall discussion or some other security discussion on Hydrogenaudio.org, and well it stuck. The trademark at the end could be read in different ways I suppose as some people don't use Common Sense and just write some bull crap that makes No Sense.


    No Sense aka Nonsense® is for people making stupid suggestions without proof or any knowledge of a subject and seems to be in more abundance than Common Sense. Common Sense shall however always prevail.

  5. Run RegSeeker and search for a .cpl file that's related to it, maybe you'll find one maybe you won't, if you find it just rename such as "broken.cpl" to "broken-.cpl". You could then do a registry search for it using RegSeeker.

  6. Any negatove consequences to secure file deletion?


    I'll answer this one. The only negative side-effect would be if you accidently deleted something important. Once the file is shredded there's slim to any chances you'd be able to recover it.

  7. Let us make a deal here: we only download and install a new version of CCleaner if it does not contain bloatware. And we tell this intention to all our friends and acquintances.


    I was already doing that since it started included the toolbar. Funny thing is the basic and slim installer combined weigh in as a smaller download together versus the one with the toolbar. I'm just glad and fortunate that there's versions still available that will fit onto one floppy disk without me having to split the installer into two halves.

  8. Well you have two options then, as I can't help you if you don't understand how to begin making the winapp2.ini entry because I'm not going to install IE7 beta 2 to do it, sorry:

    • Plead to a member that uses IE7 beta 2 and whom knows how to write the needed removal routines into winapp2.ini.
    • Wait for CCleaner to be updated to officially include IE7. You of course will most likely have to wait for IE7 final which will probably be months away, that is if MrG the CCleaner developer doesn't feel the need to include a cleaning routine for a beta product that may change in its final release version.


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