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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. The point of me re-packing them is to automatically run the setup file DXSETUP.exe, and then have the SFX module automatically remove the temporarily unpacked setup files once DXSETUP.exe finishes. It all equals no cleanup afterwords, MS used to do it that way too for installing DX.

  2. Okay, I downloaded the new update for DirectX but now when I'm installing it, it is asking me to extract the files but I don't know where to extract them to. Any help?


    That's why after I download DX I always unpack it, and then re-pack it using an SFX module, either ZIP or RAR.

  3. No point really, other than I found it amazing Apple was loosening up a bit and not only sanctioning but providing software to allow an MS product on their a/r Macs.


    Hence all the hell freezing over comments :lol: ...


    Now if they could loosen up a bit more and allow for playback of Ogg Vorbis (.ogg), MusePack (.mpc), WavPack (.wv), etc., on the iPOD.

  4. i've heard rumors about the PS3 which limits the ammount of time you can play a game.


    If that's the case change the Digital Rights Management moniker to Dirty Rotten Machine.


    I don't know why they'd do such a thing and hopefully it's just a rumour like a belated April fools joke since I fall asleep all the time playing a game, and being that it's my main form of electronics entertainment, e.g.; Gaming > Music > PC. I'd get upset real quick if it just automatically powered down. Yeah PC is dead last in my electronics entertainment lineup in the endless pursuit to stave off boredom.

  5. Hi.


    Yes, I can do that, but when I use that shortcut it just takes me to a bunch of files within the Defender folder. I was rather hoping I could just have an icon I could click on to run the Windows Defender scan.


    Here's how to create a Windows Defender desktop shortcut (assuming you've installed into the default location):

    1. Right click upon the desktop and select New->Shortcut

    2. Paste this command into the location field:

      "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender\MSASCui.exe"

    3. Name the shortcut: Windows Defender


  6. Mac is very price computer.


    That's the reason allot of consumers are using Windows-based PC's, heck if someone doesn't need allot of power they can get a Celeron processor Windows-based PC at a very low price.


    I remember being totally fed up with Win98 years ago and when visiting Apple's site to look at Mac prices I was shocked at the cost, hence I got new PC that could handle WinXP.

  7. CCleaner fully supports cleaning of Firefox.

    I'm not sure if it cleans Google Desktop, but there's an entry named Google Deskbar in the winapp.ini file which CCleaner supports for cleaning.

  8. however expensive they are ppl will buy them


    Yeah and there will probably be assclowns like when the PS2 was released that gobbled up as many consoles as they could only to sell them for $1000.00, $1500.00 USD, and higher because of the demand. People who do that should be jailed.


    Comes with free rookit? Yippikayey!


    Ha ha :lol:

    Father: What do you want for Christmas son?

    Son: A Sony Rootkit! And DRM!

  9. Yup, hell indeed just froze over. WinXP on a Mac, I'd think the whole ideal of getting a Mac would be to get away from Windows.

    As soon as the new mac mini comes out I'm going to buy one.


    And if you don't like it I'll gladly take the donation. Please send it plainly packaged to me via FedEx or UPS Air. :P

  10. Not possible in Windows, normal mode or safe mode hence it's an in-use locked file. You'd have to have an OS like Win98 which you could boot in MS-DOS with to use a DOS virus scanner - but even then I have no ideal if a DOS antivirus scanner pays much attention to the pagefile. I have no ideal if a pagefile could contain an infection or not, but it's fairly easy to do a registry "tweak" to have the pagefile cleared by Windows when it shutsdown or restarts.


    The "tweak" to have the pagefile cleared at shutdown and restart on WinXP is located here at http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm, scroll down to #248 it's the one on the right 'Clear Page File on Exit - Undo'. If you use it make sure you download 'Clear Page File on Exit' and 'Undo' there's two downloads for that "tweak." Note: If you use it expect a long time for Windows to shutdown or restart.

  11. Right who in their right mind would pay $200 USD more for it when the competition would have a lower price.


    Sony lost money like crazy with the PS2 hardware and knowly allowed it to happen.


    They could essentially lose allot of money on the hardware, just to make it up all up from the software. Most people will buy only one console however everybody buys several game titles over the lifespan of a console.

  12. I am using ConTEXT as replacement of windows text editor, CClean does not clean the recent file list,


    It would be great to have a custom ADD registry entry to be cleaned :)

    also custom extention deletion.


    You can learn how to do this by looking at this winapp2.ini thread to get a general ideal of how to create an entry to clean ConTEXT's MRU list.


    After you figure out how to create the entry and have successfully tested it a few times on your system you can post it here.

  13. However, I don't want every cookie cleaned out. CCleaner is not "catching" any of the Opera cookies in that place where I can protect the ones I want to keep.


    I don't know of any way to allow CCleaner to not delete particular Opera cookies. Currently that would have to be done with Opera itself by:

    1. Click 'Tools->Delete Private Data->Advanced->untick Delete All Cookies' since you obviously don't want all of them removed.

    2. Next click 'Tools->Delete Private Data->Advanced->Manage Cookies'

    Note: In order to keep your cookies from getting out of hand you should periodically clean them, otherwise you'll be dealing with allot of them manually since Opera will only allow you to delete one at a time in 'Manage Cookies'.


    Edit: Forgot to mention: To keep your cookies and only deal with them in Opera you'll have to disable Opera cookie deletion in CCleaner by doing this:

    'Cleaner->Cleaner Settings->Applications->Opera->untick Cookies'

    Also, I don't understand where the option was during installation of Opera with or without "multi-user" support. I took the standard default installation and did not see anything to select a multi-user or single-user functionality.


    I'm using WinXP and the installer has prompted me for a selection since at least the version 7 days of Opera, I don't really remember what version started prompting for multi-user support. If you aren't using WinXP that "may" be why it didn't prompt you to choose which type of installation. In any event multiple people can share a single user browser, you'd just have to separate the bookmarks and keep them neat.

  14. I want to apply to all folder this options:

    Icons view: Tiles

    Icons arrange: By type (Showed in groups)...


    You set up a folder with all the view options you want, then click:

    Tools -> Folder Options -> View -> Apply To All Folders, then click OK to exit.


    Precisely i need next tweak:

    Remover Addres bar from Windows Explorer and remove standard buttons (go back, search, folder view and so on...) from Win explorer!


    To remove the address bar open any folder and click:

    View -> Toolbars -> Untick Address Bar.

    Note: You may have to use what I just told you listed above in 'Apply To All Folders' for it stick.


    In Windows Explorer when you have a folder open right click inside the field where the Search, Copy, etc., icons are displayed and select:


    Inside of customize you can add or remove displayed icons or text.


    and next:

    how to make a reg tweak which can do next thing:

    icons size set to xx (in my case 25) with horizontal and vertical space between icons (in both cases the space is 30)?


    Right click a blank area on the Desktop and select Properties, then click: Appearance->Advanced

    Using the drop down menu you can change the 'Icon Spacing (Horizontal)', and 'Icon Spacing (Vertical)' to what you want.

    Note: Depending upon your system font size if you have icons spaced too close with a larger font the names will be chopped off when looking at them on the desktop (see example). If the font is too big you can change it inside Appearance->Advanced as well by selecting from the drop down menu 'Icon', there may be other things inside of Appearance->Advanced that need the font size changed.


    Click OK to save all your changes and to exit Appearance->Advanced.


    Now to save a Windows XP theme after you've customized it:

    Right click a blank area on the Desktop and select Properties, then click:

    Themes -> Save As

    You can save the customized theme settings onto the hard disk, a good place would be 'My Documents\My Themes'. You can also save it onto a floppy, or burn it onto a CD-RW for the other computer you want to use it on. In any event the theme won't be large in size at all.


    this too:

    where in the registry can i find information about system default link colors? I want to change link color (in whole system (from blue to...)) but i dont know where to search for this (i'm not good @ google and i dont know to ask the right question)...


    I don't know how to change this one, perhaps someone else does.


    and one more question:

    i maded some cursors... Now when i go co Control Panle=> Mouse=> Cursors i set this and i save it... but where is that saved file? I want to transfer this theme with cursor to another PC but i dont know where is this file...


    Cursors are usually installed into: C:\Windows\Cursors

    However if it isn't located in there use Windows built in search to try and locate it, typing in the saved name for example mycursor.cur will narrow down the search but if you don't remember the name you can also search for *.cur.





    As for exporting all this from the registry I don't know of anyway to do it. You may need to search download websites for software that will save those settings.

  15. Partitioning for the sake of partitioning is stupid. I have seen dozens and dozens of computers that were partitioned (C:, D:) when installed, but in practically 100% of all cases the D: drive was completely unused when the computers were decommissioned.


    Yeah, a waste of partitioning in that scenario as you explained.

    On my old system my D: partition is for the Win98 install files, archived Win98 MS security updates, and downloaded software. The E: partition is for .rar backups of my current WinXP system.

  16. No, it isn't necessary to edit the default installed .ini files, CCleaner is detecting it because it's left-over junk "obsolete software" from the uninstall program.


    When running the Issues scanner (registry cleaner) if CCleaner shows those Google entries allow it to remove them, and do create the backup CCleaner pops up when you click the 'Fix selected issues...' to a folder such as My Documents. After a few days you can delete the .reg backup created by CCleaner.



    If CCleaner can't remove the reference you can manually remove it using RegEdit. It will probably be listed under one of the following areas or both:



  17. I've heard that frequent defragging can shorten the life of a hard disk. I've also read from VoptXP's website a few years ago back when they had documentation available that keeping a drive defragged increases the life since it doesn't have to search the disk for files separated by fragmentation. It's that Yes and No that confuses allot of people which sticks us into the grey area.


    All I know is I defrag everyday and have done so for the past 6 or 7 years and it hasn't (knock on wood) caused me any grief as of yet.

  18. You can remove Paint from Windows components via (WinXP instructions):

    Add or Remove Programs -> Add/Remove Windows Components -> highlight Accessories and Utilities then click Details -> highlight Accessories then click Details and finally untick Paint and click OK.


    To remove Internet Explorer you'd have to use something like XPLite, I don't know of any other program that removes it. Hopefully englishmen who's a member on the forums will see this post and recommend what he did, as he got rid of Internet Explorer, but I don't know if he used a commercial program or a freeware one.

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