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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. Some nefarious variety could likely be used for mining. If antivirus is not detecting anything one way to sort of know something is going on is if the browser is using too many resources in the background for no apparent reason like when only one tab is open.

  2. Removing a registered web browser always has some caveats, and that's one of them. Even removing a 3rd party browser can end up with broken extensions like HTML if it was registered as the system default web browser. Often it can be fixed by having another browser register as the system default, but it doesn't always work.

    It's the sole reason I only use the portable version of 3rd party web browsers since I don't feel like correcting broken file extensions.

  3. Starting in 2014 I began inputting exclusions into CCleaner since it was impossible for me to figure out why it was removing the saved data of extensions in Chromium/Chrome based browsers (Comodo Dragon, SRWare Iron, etc.,) and what eventually worked was excluding the "Local Extension Settings" folder in the browser(s) profile folder. Obviously that's completely different from logins being removed, but it could potentially be a clue that perhaps input an exclusion ('Options > Exclude') of the exact folder where those settings are saved as a possible remedy and then test the results.


  4. The registry has stuff in it that points to seemly nothing and even settings for something that isn't even installed, some of it is for compatibility in case something is installed at a later time. But not all of it gets flagged by registry cleaners (speaking registry cleaners in general not just the one in CCleaner).

    I've found out it's also related to WinSxS folder, and that alone is like a can of worms to even mess with.

  5. 20 hours ago, RockFox said:

    I strongly disagree in the case of an external hard drive that is read-only.  The scan results would be the same today as yesterday and 5 years from now.


    Most people will have no ideal how to mount a drive in Windows 10 as read-only, furthermore Windows just automatically mounts drives anyways such as USB disks.

    One exceptionally annoying thing in modern Windows such as Windows 10 for example is it always writes System Volume Information onto a drive or device like an external HDD/SSD, USB Flash Drive, phone, etc., plugged into the computer which it will always create even if System Protection/System Restore is "completely disabled" on the drive and if the service is disabled - maybe that's a quirk or bug in Windows, I don't really know. That small amount of a 4kb folder (NTFS default size) and a few bytes in files it writes could potentially overwrite a very small portion of something critical that needs to be recovered.

  6. In Firefox

    Search engines can be removed:
    1. In Firefox go to: Tools > Options > Search
    2. Highlight a search you don't want, and then click the Remove button.

    Add-ons/Extensions/Plugins can be disabled or removed:
    1. In Firefox go to: Tools > Add-ons > Extensions
    2. In Firefox go to: Tools > Add-ons > Plugins

  7. 11 hours ago, Frenchstud said:

    and a MODERATOR is "indirectly" saying

    to the CUSTOMER that HE is the STUPID one ("dont use ANY registry cleaners...", "its an advanced tool...")




    That's just trolling in my opinion. Microsoft has a clear policy on using registry cleaners in Windows 10.

    By warning people on this forum to not use the registry cleaner in CCleaner it can save a user from causing a completely avoidable issue that may or may not be easy to remedy.

    Using registry cleaners can and will eventually cause issues especially if a user blindly trusts the results and deletes everything presented to them  in a registry cleaner's list of "invalids" which is usually the case.

    Registry cleaners may not always be "a thing" as you state for the fact if Microsoft wanted to blacklist any software it wouldn't work with Windows 10 anymore (such as really old versions of CCleaner which you can't use anymore as a relevant example). Registry cleaners are a legacy dinosaur type of tool where I could see could them eventually being relegated as blacklisted if they damage enough Windows 10 installations especially if it becomes a nuisance to Microsoft with too many customer support requests.

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