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Posts posted by CeeCee

  1. I take it this means that RegSeeker is more agressive in its registry scan than some others.

    Yes it is, but it also finds "valid" invalid entries, that some other registry cleaners don't find. It's good, just be careful with it.

  2. YoKenny said:
    NTREGOPT to compact the registry.


    a compact run usually finds 2% compaction.

    NTREGOPT is good, but there's no "Analyze" option, which (IMO) makes 'Free Registry Defrag' better.


    If there will be only 2% difference, then defragging is not really needed. 'Free Registry Defrag' says then that defragging is not necassary.


    JDPower said:
    NTRegOpt is fast and small

    FRD is fast and small too. There's only 3 files in the folder: http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs223&d=08052&f=regdef792.jpg

  3. no, that option (hotfix uninstallers) is in the cleaner tab area. the service pack things were removed from running the registry cleaner tab.

    But you first removed those "hotfix uninstallers", which left behind those invalid registry entries. Don't worry, it's ok. You just aren't able to uninstall those hotfixes (updates) anymore. MOST LIKELY there's no need for that anyway...

  4. I have SE Free and cannot get update to work. I get a message saying Ad Aware has not been updated for 31 days. I go to up date and I get an error message saying I cannot connect.


    What's up with that?

    You cannot use the auto update feature with SE anymore. You have to download defenitions file manually from the link siljaline gave. http://download.lavasoft.com/public/defs.zip


    Just put that file from a zip to C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Personal\ folder. Overwrite the existing defs.ref file.

  5. so you are 100% sure that this is safe to use and recommended?

    Yes. You deleted 800 entries from registry, so there are now gaps to remove. Use the "Analyze" option first to see how fragmented your registry is. If it's more than 2%, then use "Compact/Defrag" to defrag. Reboot your computer, when it tells you to.


    Edit: Of course i don't take any responsibility, in the case something goes wrong. It's up to you...

  6. and cee cee, i dont like to use any free online cleaner stuff. paranoid enough as it is with downloading free spyware cleaners and such lol.

    If you mean that Registry Defrag, it's 100% clean. And it's not a cleaner, it defrags your registry.


    ...when information is deleted from the registry, holes are left which fragment the data within the registry. Registry compacting optimizes your registry by removing gaps and wasted space, thus improves the whole system performance.

  7. CCleaner only lists unnecessary items right? i shouldnt really worry about what is being deleted by it?

    Yep. CCleaner is one of the most safest programs, what it comes to registry cleaning. It's not so thorough scanner.

  8. what happens with the backup. where does it go and how do i use it if something does go wrong.

    Actually i don't know, cause i haven't ever backed up any entries (with CCleaner). But i guess that those backups will go to CCleaner folder and you can restore them from there.

  9. Yes, it's normal to have a lot of invalid entries, if you haven't used a registry cleaner ever before. With CCleaner they should be very safe to delete, but make a backup, just in case. You get a backup confirmation, when go through the cleaning process.

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