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Posts posted by CeeCee

  1. I definitely would not use the "compress old files" function.

    I have used that function once on my C (OS) drive. I think it was back in 2005 or something like that. Guess i was kinda out of space then. I have bought more drives after that though.

  2. What is usually meant by 'defragmenting' the registry, is compacting the hives to their minimum size, which, especially if you've never done it, can result in better system performance.


    NTRegot is a good choice: http://www.larshederer.homepage.t-online.de/erunt/

    Registry defrag removes the unnecessary gaps from the registry and that way compacting it.


    Here's one registry defrag program: http://www.registry-clean.net/free-registry-defrag.htm


    It's good, because there's an "Analyze" option. You can analyze the registry first to see, if it needs defragging.

  3. Maybe this?



    I went there and noticed, that under "User variables for...", i have a 'Variable' named "PATH" with this path C:\Program Files\MKVtoolnix;C:\Program Files\smartmontools\bin. I just wonder what that means?

  4. I'm still using version 3.91. Only version i ever had. Really haven't got a reason to update. It's my default picture viewer. So i mainly use it for viewing pictures, pasting screenshots and cropping.

  5. however people always want to tweak something even if it has no noticable difference.

    I was like that back in the day. Always finding and trying all kinds of tweaks. What it comes to pagefile, i have disabled it completely (atleast from the settings). It has been disabled quite a while and haven't noticed any problems with it. I have 1536Mb's of RAM.


    I have some TweakingCompanion PDF document, which says this about the pagefile tweaking:


    ...i provide a simple general recommendation which is safe both to use on all systems, regardless of how much RAM you have, and provides good performance.


    Set the Initial and Maximum pagefile sizes to 2560MB each - i.e. allocate 2.5GB for the pagefile.

  6. Hi CeeCee,

    That is the way it worked for me.

    Sure did remove 17 old Java registry entries though.They went back to the Java stone age. :lol:

    :) davey

    Yeah, but that's the "Remove older versions" option. From me it removed old Java Web Start entries.

  7. @ CeeCee

    No, it doesn't.


    It removes the error files (.ERR), the install.log files, the jusched.log files, the jupdate.log files and JRE files in the Temp folder.

    Ok. I ran it + i checked "Open JavaRa logfile". Log file wasn't opened or created. So there weren't any useless files then?

  8. [12jul08] JavaRa updated to version 1.09.



    [Note] Sun has released Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0_07

    [Added] Removal of redundant JRE 1.6.0_06 entries

    [Added] Removal of lots of extra registry entries

    Does that "Remove useless JRE files" mean Java cache files?

  9. Possibly another way is to navigate to the program in C:\Program Files\Unwanted program and locate a file that is named "uninst.exe" (or similar) and double click it.

    Should run the programs own uninstaller.

    That's true, i was about to mention it in my previous message. Uninstaller is also often listed in Start>All programs>(wanted program).

  10. I recently updated to the latest version. I noticed, that it won't recognize all the eMule files, that has set to be clean in winapp.ini. Why is this? I have XP SP2.


    Edit: I removed my custom entries to winapp2.ini and now they are detected.

  11. yes CCleaner doesn't search for all leftovers, I personally tend to use JV16 Power tools last freeware edition - does take care of the rest ! as also RegScrubXP occassionally does what was missed out on.


    I use these 4 registry cleaners to keep my registry reasonably clean:


    jv16 Power Tools 1.4.1 (very safe)

    jv16 PowerTools 2005 (very safe)

    RegSeeker (not so safe, but effective)

    CCleaner (very safe (to my knowledge))


    I have some other registry cleaners too, but they seem to be rather useless after those mentioned cleaners.


    No mather what registry cleaners you use, you are never able to remove all the unneeded, leftover registry entries. Most cleaners are able to find the most criticals though. Only way to remove all the unneeded entries, is to trace and remove them manually from the registry. Anyway, there's so many entries and keys in the registry, so few unneeded doesn't really make a difference. Best way to keep your registry clean from all the unneeded crap, is to clean install Windows every now and them.

  12. Back when I used to use RegSeeker it would find to my best knowledge all of the remaining leftovers in the registry that were actually invalid and needed to be removed.

    Do you mean those Hotfix uninstaller entries or generally?

  13. I had 64Mb of SDRAM on my previous Pentium II PC (back in 2003). As far as i remember, 98SE ran quite well on it. I added some RAM later though.


    It's good to have ATLEAST 512Mb for XP, if you want it to run somewhat smoothly. 1Gig is highly recommened.

  14. After you remove the Hotfix Uninstallers you'll have to run CCleaner's registry cleaner, maybe several times to remove what will then be invalid uninstall data in the Windows registry.

    Does CCleaner remove all the left over Hotfix Uninstallers entries? I use RegSeeker for that. You have to be careful with RegSeeker though. I mean generally.

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