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Posts posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. Heya, anyone else have this problem?


    With my new computer came a nice HP mouse, however it was damaged (serial port bent beyond use) so I demanded they send me a new one. They sent me a Microsoft Wheel Mouse (Optical) and I was like "alrighht"


    Since then however, I haven't been able to get my scroll wheel to work. I've tried three different versions of the driver and nothing seems to work. I'm planning on getting a new mouse (Razer Diamondback 3G) in the next month or so but this is quite annoying as I need it for certain games as well as web browsing.


    If anyone has any clue, any help is appreciated.



    I can't win with this cpu :P


    Rob :lol:

  2. Hah! I had a fun time today.


    I used usercontrolpass2 to set it so I auto logged into my Admin account thereby bypassing the login screen.


    Well, it froze on loadup for some reason so I forced off the power.


    This corruped C:\Windows.0\Config\System


    Windows didn't like that.


    So anyways, I reformatted and got rid of the rements of Windows Vista and my two old Windows XP copies from this drive.


    This took all day though, and I did lose a lot of stuff :P


    I'm bored and just wanted to fill people in, my computer journey seems to be neverendly filled with annoyances like this.


    G'night Piriform!


    Rob :lol:

  3. You know at best you're only going to run that at about medium? I know it's XP and DX9, but still, that game is a beast!!!




    I've got a directx 10 enabler program that gives xp the directx 10 capabilities. I run it on high and get like 50fps-ish

  4. More of a UK desktop this. Jaffa cakes are biscuits with a layer of orange and sponge inside, with chocolate on top.





    For the initiation test into the jaffaholics club go here. I took the test, it took me ages to get one in the statue's mouth (not as long to get one in mine though!!)





    I used to play on a website called "Habbo Hotel" but I played on the UK version (.co.uk) and the old "Hotel Manager" named "callie" was obsessed with Jaffa cakes, even dressed like one O_o.

  5. What are Piriform's feelings on the Elections turnout?


    I wasn't watching, because I was playing WoW (Raiding > Future?) but I think it ended in like Obama 293 and mccain 147 or something. I wanted Obama to win so I'm happy :D


    Yay net neutrality.



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