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Posts posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. Am I the only one getting hungry by this thread? lol....




    That dog sounds like it needs to be professional trained. I personally can't stand dogs that jump on me, and I instantly correct their behaviour to let them know it isn't alright. Those that do a friendly greeting are alright though.



    No, its only me it jumps on, so I don't think its a behavioral issue, it could just like me and have a weird way of showing affection. :P

  2. I've always had cats, but animals dont like me very much. I think dogs dont like me because I have a cat :P :


    *Dogs try to attack me when they're being walked

    *A Dog ran out of a house on halloween to attack me, i bolted. (Sadly, I wasn't even near the property at this point)

    *My girlfriends dog continually jumps on me and paws me, its quite annoying.

    *Dogs growl and howl at me from the other side of storm doors, and their owner comes and shuts them. (whilst glaring at me)



    I once had a half feral cat and it basically just attacked random things.


    My current cat is a moosh, basically. He sleeps all day and gets up at around 3:30AM and runs around the house, clawing doors for attention.

  3. Ok, I'm gonna try to keep this short and hopefully someone will be able to figure this out.


    My uncle installed a Belkin wireless router like 2 months ago (Compaq running XP). Well, for the past month his desktop will not connect to the internet but his laptop will. The laptop connects as a "strong connection" at 54mbps. His desktop shows as "little or no connectivity" at 100mbps. When I right click on his LAN and use the "repair" option, it tells me it cannot renew the IP address and to contact the network provider. Now I told him to call Road Runner like 3 weeks ago when he told me about this problem and he never did it. So today I go to his house and I call Road Runner and tell them what's happening. They refresh the connection and yadda yadda yadda and in the end they tell me I have to call Belkin because Belkin has to set the IP address or some such mess.


    So, I call Belkin and am on the phone for probably 2 1/2 - 3 hours with this guy named Ichbar.


    stopped reading and lol'd, sorry.


    read your last post, try using Teamviewer to remotely access his laptop and get the info you need? :>

  4. I've recently gotten 2 BSODS. This has only happened in the past couple of days. I haven't installed anything new and its not spyware/virus.


    The only new things I've added to my computer have been Supreme Commander, Razer Diamondback 3G drives, Teamview 3 and Windows live messenger (pidgin doesn't have web camera support.)


    I'm concerned that something may be wrong with my hard ware, is there any way to check?

  5. java script:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName(%22img%22); DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+%22px%22; DIS.top=(Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+%22px%22}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);


    Go to a page with many images, you can use this one but it wont look as cool.

    Replace whats in the address bar with that above.

    Hit enter.







    edit: it goes faster every time you resend.


    edit again: take the space out from between "java" and "Script"

  6. you should be able to do this through the second user control panel


    start -> run -> control userpasswords2


    simply untick the "users must enter a username and password to use this computer box or set it up for the account you want. (I think it defualts to Administrator)




  7. John Belushi was the man. Awesome comedian and all around fantastic performer. And the Blues Brothers...don't get me started.




    Haha yep! On a surfing forum I hung out on a few years back, some of the members and I did this thing where we told each other how we envisioned the others to look. Man, all of us were waaaaay off on our descriptions of of each other. It was hilarious.




    ps- blonde hair and blue eyes rock! biggrin.gif


    ps- blonde hair and blue eyes rock! biggrin.gif


    I know someone else that felt this way. LINK REMOVED ;)





    I kid.

  8. Gee thanks. Kill a girl's ego why don't ya!? Hehe kidding. :P I dont really see how I look kinda like a boy in the pic though. To me they look like girl's eyes. But then again maybe it's just because I know they're my eyes. :blink: I guess next time I'll just post a picture of my rear end. That would end all speculation....and probably get me banned in the process. LOL :lol:


    perhaps one of the ever popular Real Life Pictures threads would be sufficient to end confusion.


    I actually look a bit like that, but I have 2 or 3 brow line things and my hair isn't parted in the same place :P

    So i see where people are coming from with the whole "kind of like a guy thing" being that I'm a guy ;)

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