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Posts posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. I came across this little VBScript that'll disable those annoying popup balloons I so oft get from Windows Defender :o



    /!\ Don't use this unless you understand what you're doing, please. /!\



    Option Explicit'Declare variablesDim WSHShell, n, MyBox, p, itemtype, TitleSet WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")p = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\"p = p & "EnableBalloonTips"itemtype = "REG_DWORD"n = 0WSHShell.RegWrite p, n, itemtypeTitle = "Balloon Tips are now Disabled." & vbCRTitle = Title & "You may need to log off/log on" & vbCRTitle = Title & "For the change to take effect."MyBox = MsgBox(Title,4096,"Finished")




    Really, I used it just because I spend a lot of time playing with software and windows defender oft' pops up no less than 10 times an hour, If you don't like not having balloon tips you can always delete the string this code creates. :]

  2. mrr. I don't need it, persay. But I do like to keep things in there until I delete them, sometimes I mistakenly delete files I want (I had to remove a rootkit once, and almost deleted my realtek audio driver :x) and this would cause major problems. I'll look into a program to fix this though.

  3. For those of you who have quicktime, but dont use programs dependent upon it such as iTunes, theres this




    Its the same thing, but smaller and makes quicktime dependent programs not work :D.


    Clean My Registry:


    I'm pretty anal about having a clean registry, I have no less than 5 registry cleaners and a registry optimizer :D


    I found this to be a pretty good program




    Free Ram XP Pro:


    This is another program I love- It frees up large amounts of ram on command or periodically. It only frees ram on the motherboard, of course. ;)






    I personally LOVE the Duke Nukem Atomic Edition series, and all its addons. However I doesnt work properly on my current system. This emulator helped me with that little problem- even though I'd already downloaded eDuke32 xD






    XP on Mac -


    Being that I loath the Mac OS- and all the snotty kids in my grade that use it - I encourage the use of this program I received in a PC World Daily Downloads email




    CCleaner -


    Do I need to elaborate?




    Quake III Arena:




    A great little toy- useful for killing time in my opinion. But not likely you'll find anyone playing on a server so fight the computer :D


    For Linux-


    I'd say Nexiuz but I dont know the website of the most amazing interactive fps for linux off the top of my head


    also- ET Quake Wars is good too.


    again, my Linux corrupted my mbr so I have to boot it on a disc to use it partially. It stole a 32 GB partition of my hard disk, lol. I could get it back but I like having 200GB on my windows one for now :D.

  4. [*Avira RootKit Detection]

    ; aka Avira AntiRootkit Tool


    DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\Avira GmbH\Avira RootKit Detection\avirarkd.exe


    FileKey1=%ProgramFiles%\Avira GmbH\Avira RootKit Detection|avirarkd.log


    that is in the winapp2.ini thread


    if thats not what you're talking about try




    DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\Avira GmbH\Avira RootKit Detection\avirarkd.exe


    FileKey1=%Documents and Settings%\all users\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\TEMP|"."


    I think that should clear that entire folder.


    You'll need to add that to winapp2.ini


    for more info on winapp2.ini see This thread

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