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Posts posted by lotse

  1. I got 7 updates for windows vista, one of which (spam filter update) I didn't need.


    Out of the 6 remaining only one installed sucessfully first time. I then went through them one by one and suceeded in installing all of them except " Important Update for Windows Vista: KB935807".


    I have tried another 3 times without success. On the little feedback I have found on this it seems others have had the same problem.




    At least its not critical :huh:

  2. I run windows vista home basic, and I have just tested CCleaner with IE cache. It deleted everything I asked it to delete - no problems.


    Try logging in as the administrator then running CCleaner again.


    Btw, I still run version 1.38. 485. I found the version following this kept crashing. You could always try the version I run. They are all available a file hippo.

  3. Prehaps not one of the most exciting, but its one of my favourite places. Its the view looking over the Fern houses at the Royal Botanical Gardens, Edinburgh.




    The gardens and the Glasshouses are stunning.

  4. I should add that on some sites now, I have to type the first letter of my log-on name before the name appears on a drop down list, I then select it, and the password follows...


    Maybe thats where cookies might help for me...

  5. I tried the "File shredder" that was mentioned, as it was compatable with Vista.


    There was no shell integration as promised and the help section buttons refused to work at all. There was also no progress bar when deleteing files. I didn't even bother with the wipe free space option - I uninstalled instead.


    If any other vista user try this, it would be interesting to know whether it was just my machine that was the problem.

  6. I can bearly scrape a 3.0 :lol:




    Mind you for a ?500 PC I didn't really expect anything special.


    I'm not decrying your PC, but I sometimes think Vista is all about style and not so much substance. If you want all the 3D graphics and addons you'll have to pay top dollar, something which in my eyes doesn't really represent value for money.


    Of course if you use your top of the range graphics card for something other than windows features then its a different story..


    Having said all that, if I had the money I would still opt for the top end machine. :lol:

  7. but this isn't the same magnitude as what we're perceiving it to be.


    If I had any confidence you knew exactly what the bombs were made of, and how they were made, I might believe you. Right now no-one but the police officers in charge knows.


    We can I think, thank our lucky stars the terrorists seem to be incompentent and really rather stupid when it comes to making bombs and ramming doorways..that and a good deal of luck saved many lives... :blink:

  8. Don't let your governments blame you & make you pay for something that you (in reality) cannot do anything about - ever, full-stop.

    (you know if we all stop every polluting activity today it will still take at least 200 years to make an 'adequate' impact ...!


    So is that your excuse for doing nothing. It will take centuries to undo, so why bother?


    If man kind has even any sort of responsibilty to this planet, it is to leave the planet is somesort of habitable state for both our children and the rest of the animal kingdom - right now we are doing precious little.


    God help us we may find out we can do nothing, but lets not sit on our fat, arrogant backsides claiming there is nothing we can do, whilst pumping millions of tons of s**t into the atmosphere... and in the meantime while we debate the subject, the rest of the planet dies around us.


    To say we are not destroying the Earth we live in, is sticking your head in the sand and not listening to, or believing most of the scientific world.


    Doing nothing because you might have to pay an few extra dollars to run your 4x4 or your air-con is just plain selfish.


    There is no excuse for doing nothing.

  9. It kind of boils down to the "horses for courses" mentality. What works well for one is a disater for another. I use diskeeper and I couldn't relate to any of the problems the blogger was refering to, but I'm not saying they didn't occur.


    As for the other defrag programs, if they work for you thats fine by me. Software reviews are like film reviews - it is one mans opinions - you have to see the film yourself to make any sort of judgement as to whether its good or bad.


    I am happy with my lot :rolleyes:

  10. Can having a laptop on your lap too long cause it to overheat?


    A laptop on any hard surface without ventilation can cause it to get uncomfortably hot - although I have never heard of one shutting down because of it.


    On the same issue, I have heard all that heat will do nothing for your fertility levels if you are a male. Be careful.

  11. I always understood defragmentation decreases the time it take your system to read a file, therefore making everyday activities such as launching new programs faster.


    It certainly made a perceptable difference to my old XP and windows 98 machines. I have diskeeper working continously in the background on my vista PC, so I haven't noticed any loss or gain in terms of speed.


    I will to continue to use a deframention tool.

  12. Your first problem was actually buying an Acer! ...I don't know if their quality is improved in this decade, but in the 1990's... which always made me think they must suck.


    I dismantled and ditched the bloody thing about 6 months ago.


    You are right in everything you say. I have cursed Acer on many other forums, and I will continue to do so.

  13. Oh dear, an Acer...


    My 18 month old Acer laptop finally met its maker about 6 months ago.


    The first problem was the CD/DVD drive. It could read DVD's but had problems reading CD's. Eventually it didn't even recognise CD's.


    Sent the laptop back to Acer with a large list of other problems, and they simply reformated the drive and sent it back...obviously not using the CD drive :angry: It lasted another 2 months before breaking down completely.


    The optical drive was the least of my problems. The rules forbid me to go any further. Needless to say I am still hacked off, and a good deal poorer from the whole experience with this company.

  14. Seems like everyones bearing thier souls :lol:


    So heres mine:


    Favicon picker


    Image toolbar

    Menu Editor

    No referer

    No Script

    Open profile folder

    Open Book

    Orbit downloader Firefox integration (works in conjunction with the flashgot extension)


    Password exporter

    Redirect remover


    Show the image


    Text link




    Never knew I had so many :unsure:

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