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Posts posted by lotse

  1. IF you norty ppl had the Automatic Update feature installed you wouldn't and therefore shouldn't even need to COME HERE to learn about an update to Firefox, let alone need to POST about an update in the first place!!!!!!!




    "norty ppl"?? Haven't a clue what that is, but Firefox is generally very reliable when in comes to keeping me in touch with updates. No need for "norty" here thanks. :rolleyes::lol:

  2. Its really just out of curiosity. I'm a great fan of them, and a lot of them are just as functional as the installed versions. At my latest count I have 12 not installed!


    My newsgroup reader (xnews)

    My email client (Scribe)


    Unit Conversion utility


    Jpeg cleaner

    mediaplayer classic

    Anagram solver/finder (Teabag - haven't found another version of this for years)

    Pdf reader






    Anybody have any more they'd recommend? (Many thanks to the members of this forum who led me to dscrypt, unit conversion and Fscapture... :) )

  3. Its nice to see there are a few likeminded people round here. :rolleyes:


    In the UK you can buy the scramblers, which basically block the phone signals with whitenoise, with prices starting from around ?250, depending on theyre range/power. The problem is they are illegal to use.


    As I slowly turn into a grumpy old man, I just might make an investment and have some fun.. ;)

  4. I admit I have done a fair bit of tweaking, but only in areas I am 99% certain won't adversely affect my PC.


    I get rid of some of the more annoying features (imho) such as pop-up balloon tips, the search indexing service (I know where my files are!) and the windows side bar - I look at my desktop when I switch on my PC and when I switch it off. I don't work from it. This is nameing just a few, the list of annoying windows features goes on...


    Yes I would advise caution, it is too easy to get carried away and find out months later that certain functions don't work and you can't remember what you might have done to disable them :) I've been there and learn't my lesson!


    I really couldn't live with the default settings though, it would drive me crazy.

  5. ISP password? I don't have to login to get online. I just switch the PC on and away I go.


    The only time I have to logon is if I want to check my ISP email account, which is rare as I use an email client to retrieve them.


    Not sure what you mean... :blink:

  6. Every now and then it will be really slow for me too. It's been doing that for years though, so you aren't the only one who has the problem.


    "Every now and again" must be getting on for a month to me...


    Sorry, visiting this site is getting to be more of a waiting game than anything else. I'm on the verge of giving up on it.



  7. I thought this may be my fault, but no other site loads as consistantly slow as Piriform forums.


    It really puts me off posting here as it takes at least a minute before I can logon and post a message, and that not counting the time it takes to load a full thread. Its almost dialup speed :(


    Is this an issue with anyone else?

  8. There used to be a list of reputable software, which, apparently, if they dectected a stolen password or serial number would either disable the software or in some cases disable windows itself. I would post the list if I could find it, but it was a few years ago...


    I never bothered to find out if was true :lol:

  9. Yes I did read all about GOM player, and thanks to this forum and the warnings it gave, I promptly dropped it.


    That left me in a postion of either buying a new player :blink: or looking for another freebie.


    At the risk of hijacking the thread..


    ...The best I came up with in the free range is the KM player which seems to play everything I chuck at it. It also has numerous skins so you can dress it up as any other player:




    With a slight nervousness I would recommend this player :huh:


    You have to register on their forum to download the player..




    and the skins can be found here:



  10. I have never liked Gmail and their "alllow us to spy for a few extras gigabytes policy", or for that matter much else about Google, but that's a different rant :rolleyes:


    I keep seeing messages about the "new Yahoo".. like this:




    .. but I have never either wanted or felt I needed to upgrade. Having just read your comments DennisD, I logged on to one of my yahoo accounts and I noticed the logo on the top left had "Classic" underneath.




    Prehaps they're running two versions at the same time.?


    Talking of spying, the Firefox extension No Script now blocks webbugs :P That'll stop the B'tards in thier tracks :lol:

  11. Just my 2 cents worth.


    Porn can be found anywhere on the web. Type in any seemingly innocent comment into a search engine and you'll be bombarded with porn sites.


    Sorry guys and girls, but lets keep things in perspective. Uploading a few snapshots of our desktops to an image hoster that may show a bottom or two, or carry an advert that promotes gambling is hardly going to currupt our youngsters. They're either corrupted already, or are reading this forum for what it is - ie, computing related material - not for smutty pictures.


    Time to step down from our high moral pedistals and look reality in the face - porn is everywhere - love it or hate it we ain't going to change things by boycotting an image hosting site that shows the odd naughty picture.


    IMO this whole topic is ridiculous.


    Rant over and apologies in advance to anyone I have offended. :mellow:

  12. If his mother is checking that carefully he must have a record of dodgy surfing.


    As mentioned above, removing any keylogger implies guilt and will more than likely upset mother even more. Like wise having a PC that is scrubbed clean everyday is bound to raise suspicions.


    In my mind there are only two options:


    1. Don't surf for porn


    2. Tell your friend to get his own PC and internet connection.


    He should listen to his mother :lol:

  13. I went off chicken a number of years ago after hearing what they pump into them - Apparently being cooped up in long factory farming warehouses with very little space to move has two effects. One, the strength of the egg and the ability of the yolk to remain intact weakens, hence they pump the chicken full of steriods to compensate for this. - broken eggs don't sell.

    Two, with so many chickens all in one space means that disease can spread like wildfire through out the farm, so they pump them full of antibiotics as well. The fact they also give them growth hormone doesn't surprise me, nor does it make me want to eat chicken anymore.


    I just wonder how much of this chemical cocktail we are ingesting just so the farmers are able keep their profit margins up? Organic and freerange reared chickens are the only poultry based products I will ever eat.


    Apparently this book tells the whole sorry story.



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