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Everything posted by DjLizard

  1. CCleaner's so fast because it does almost everything in Win32 API, and file deletion is pretty quick in general (in Windows, files are not zero-filled or actually deleted, but simply *marked for deletion* via the filesystem) -- MS Cleanup Wizard is slow because it does additional things such as checking for compressible files, and compressing them, etc.
  2. Heh, the Borland Database Engine... *don't* delete the CPL, just hide it as described.
  3. CaPMan: if you added 256 MB to your machine, you'd triple your speed.
  4. That sometimes happens when a blue screen of death occurs just before it would normally shut off. Right-click My Computer, Properties, Advanced, Startup and Recovery>Settings, System Failure>Automatically Restart <- uncheck that. Then try to shut off your computer and see what happens. Do you then get a STOP error, such as 0x0000000a? This can also happen if you have an incompatible version of roxio/adaptec/whoever's Easy CD Creator installed. Start, Run... REGEDIT Surf your way to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services Remove entire keys that begin with Cdr, such as Cdrudf, Cdr4vsd, and Cdralw2k, etc. Anything that starts with 'Cdr' is part of CD Creator and should be removed. There's usually 4 or 5 of them. Uninstall that terrible program and get the latest NERO instead
  5. http://www.rathergood.com/moon_song/
  6. I've removed over a gigabyte (1024 MB+) before, on several occasions. 85 is pretty low, actually Most of that is coming from your TEMP folder, most likely. (Start, Run..., %TEMP%) CCleaner detects nothing but temporary/junk files and most-recently-used lists.
  7. Oh. That's just a concept. It's not really guaranteed to be hidden, nor guaranteed to be protected from hackers, since anything could happen (bugs in zonealarm, exploits for zonealarm, end user makes a mistake, etc, etc) Windows Firewall is too simple to have that concept
  8. It's not as easy as the plug-in concept, but you can create a winapp2.ini file (patterned off the winapp.ini file) that can remove your custom keys. Take a look at posts by TwistedMetal, the apparent king of winapp2.ini.
  9. what in the hell? that makes little sense o_o ...I'll remember that...
  10. but not as much as a spoon coz that more use for eating soup
  11. Buy it at Crucial.com! All you need to know is what you already said
  12. I only use the Windows Firewall myself, and I've seen it catch a lot of things too (what, do you think that it's a full featured program? It's a hotfix to a long running issue of Microsoft leaving tons of useless ports accessible by default -- it is a direct response to Blaster/Sasser type worms.) The point is, the Windows firewall does what it was designed to do, and does it with low overhead. It's the only thing I use (I don't have antivirus, I don't have antispyware, I don't have a firewall, and I'm set as DMZ on my router, which means I'm exposed to the universe, and I don't care).
  13. we love the moon... cause it is close to us. I'm in Florida
  14. Despite the grcsucks.com (thanks for pointing that out Andavari, I had no idea such a following existed) - I still continue to use and highly praise Spinrite -- this is probably because it is a real work of art and not self-serving security expert crap like the subject content of grcsucks.com explains... I think that grc's Spinrite is the best of the best (cause I've used it so much and I can prove that it rules USSR: I knew it'd be only one module Yeah, you may want to CHKDSK the crap out of your drive: Start, Run..., fsutil dirty set C: Then restart your computer. (This schedules a CHKDSK for the next bootup)
  15. They can't be installed that way. Tools>Extensions Drag and drop the XPI onto the extensions pane.
  16. Actually, even though I didn't post about it, I saw a couple places where you answered someone's question the same exact way I would have (thus I moved on). You're giving pretty good advice.
  17. DjLizard

    Java (Sun)

    Well, that is just ONE .NET application, and as I stated, it is not recommended to write client-side-only apps in .NET, and for what it's worth, .NET is pretty OK. agumon is *programming* in Java, and that is a pretty cool portable language for slim devices.
  18. CCleaner doesn't have secure shred. Yes, someone with enough motivation (and a $100 piece of software) can recover most of the deleted data. When files are deleted and re-created they are usually created in a different place, although they COULD theoretically take the same spot (but that is rarely possible).
  19. 250 watts is pretty weak... I'm not certain [by your description] if it's too weak, but when you change to a 6800 Ultra, you will definitely need a 400 watt power supply. Get an Antec (trust me). - whichever one's more than 400 watts, and affordable to you. www.newegg.com is the recommended source. Do this first for me: Right click 'My Computer', go to Properties, Advanced, Startup and Recovery>Settings, System Failure>Automatically Restart <- UNCHECK THAT. Then, when your computer tries to blow up and reboot, it may actually stop at a blue screen of death that I can help you debug. I betcha it's memory Get yourself a blank floppy (if you have a floppy drive) and make a disk using this: http://www.memtest.org/download/1.51/memte...1.51.floppy.zip Boot up to it, and let it run until Pass: 1. (see attached image below). If anything's wrong with your RAM, it will be fairly obvious (bright red lines saying ERROR or the screen will get corrupted with random wacky colorful characters). If your computer turns completely off electrically, then you most likely need a new power supply.
  20. oh yeah. still, I typed nethood.htt in google and found that in about 2 seconds.
  21. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but please ignore Russellbrown's advice completely. Please see my above post [ http://forum.CCleaner.com/index.php?showto...findpost&p=8581 ] and we'll take it from there. I can help you restore the registry (if that is indeed the problem) without using 3rd party crapware.
  22. At any rate, EVERYONE should have a UPS.
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