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What Gender is you computer?


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Stole this from another forum. :)


In the language class the teacher in Spanish explains to all pupils, that on the contrary of English all Substantives in Spanish are Feminine or masculine.


For example:

House is ?La Casa? is feminine.

Pencil is ?El Lapiz? is Masculine.


One Pupil asks ?What gender is the word Computer??


And the teacher divides the class into 2 groups, on the left all the girls and on the right all the boys.

She asks them to find out themselves what the gender might be and write down 4 reasons for their decision.


The boys thought the Computer definitely has to be feminine, ?La Computadora? because:


1. Nobody except their maker can truly understand their internal logic.

2. The language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible for all others.

3. Even the smallest error will be kept in the long term memory to be quickly called in for later use.

4. As soon as you obtain one you?ll find out you get in a situation where you have to keep spending half your salary on accessories.


On the other hand the girls thought the word computer must be masculine, ?El Computador? because:


1. To make them do even the smallest things you always have to turn them on.

2. They contain a wealth of information but still can?t think for themselves.

3. They are considered to solve problems but half the time they are the problem.

4. As soon as you get one you?ll find out that if you have waited a little longer you could have got a better one.

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