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Regseeker Problem


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Can anyone help me please. I recently downloaded the newer version of regseeker, and ran it, silly me i know, but i accepted all items for deletion, but did check the backup.

backup has been saved, my problem is when i try to reinstall the back up to my registry, i get an error message saying regseeker cannot access registry :(

The reason i want to reinstall the back up , is that my System Restore no longer works since i did the clean out with Regseeker, does anyone have any suggestions where i go from here... Thank you

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Hi bronc and welcome to the forum. :)


I tried to merge a Regseeker backup but got the same warning as yourself.Not good!


I even shutdown explorer and tried but still the warning came up.


Wonder if Regseeker will run in safemode?


You could try to get sys restore working again by following the link below.


Sys restore link


Damn, just noticed all my .reg backups files have had the default icons changed to those crappy looking dat file type icons. :angry:

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Hi bronc and welcome to the forum. :)


I tried to merge a Regseeker backup but got the same warning as yourself.Not good!


I even shutdown explorer and tried but still the warning came up.

I know this isn't much help but I just tried it to see if it was a RegSeeker problem and I can merge backups without a problem (from within RegSeeker or merging the actual reg files) :huh:

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Try to import the .reg file using Registry Editor:

1. Click Start, Run, and type in RegEdit, then click OK.

2. In Registry Editor click File, Import, then browse to the .reg file.




If it still won't import you may have to change the header of the file for instance from:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





Although there's zero guarantee that will work, probably won't.

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Thank you all for your efforts in helping me, it is really appreciated.

I have been able to complete "merge" while in safe mode, unfortunately i still cannot access System Restore at all, in fact even trying to turn System Restore off, gives me the same error message, cannot access :mellow:

Sputnik, your link looks good , unfortunately my PC came with XP preinstalled so i do not have discs. I suppose the only way im going to be able to have system restore working is to use my rescue discs , which will put my PC back to where it was when purchased :wacko:

If anyone has any other suggestions before i go through all of that hassle i would be very grateful,,, thank you once again

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I have been able to complete "merge" while in safe mode, unfortunately i still cannot access System Restore at all, in fact even trying to turn System Restore off, gives me the same error message, cannot access

You could try to set System Restore to disabled in services and either reboot or use the stop tab in there.Don't forget to hit apply after setting to disabled.


After you reboot check to see if SR is turned off then try to re-enable it through services and see if it will start.


If not you could try the reinstall again from the link I gave while it is in the disabled state.


Unfortunately you will lose all restore points once it is disabled.Don't want to sound like I'm harping but people should look into using a decent backup system such as Norton Ghost or True Image.

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Thanks to everyone for your efforts, my System Restore is restored, im not totally sure which of your advise finally got it over the line, i was trying all of them.... thank you again for your time and helpfullness.





You could try to set System Restore to disabled in services and either reboot or use the stop tab in there.Don't forget to hit apply after setting to disabled.


After you reboot check to see if SR is turned off then try to re-enable it through services and see if it will start.


If not you could try the reinstall again from the link I gave while it is in the disabled state.


Unfortunately you will lose all restore points once it is disabled.Don't want to sound like I'm harping but people should look into using a decent backup system such as Norton Ghost or True Image.

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