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Save desktop to wordpad


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An old trick but some may not know it. :)


You can take a snapshot of your Desktop by pressing the PrintScrn key on your Keyboard.


Now, open Wordpad. Right-click on in Wordpad, and select Paste.


Now you can save it.


If you hold down Alt and press Print Screen you get just the active window, not the whole screen.


Much easier to use screen grabber apps.


Posted as a bit of trivia.

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Yeah it works really well for creating a bloated .rtf or .doc document with an uncompressed image in it which I suppose by definition is a Window Bitmap from the clipboard. I've never liked saving images in Wordpad/Word documents because they make the file large compared to doing a little more work and just saving an image as a .png, .gif, .jpg and then making an HTML document which is compatible with every system. Although I do see the advantage of having a file with everything embedded inside it as nothing will get lost or deleted.

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