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Error Code Alpha: 0xAB000008

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Purchased CC Cleaner Pro on 5/31/2024.  Can't install the program as I get this error code:  Error Code Alpha:  0xAB000008.  Sent an email to Tech Support on 5/31/2024.  No reply.  Sent second email on 6/7/2024.  No reply.  Today is 6/11/2024.  Still no reply.  I have attached the error message.

What kind of company is this?  No replies.  NO employees?  Just money for nothing on MTV?



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I have redacted your screenshot to remove all company advertising in your desktop background.

Is this a business computer?
If it is then you should be using the CCleaner Business edition, the edition in your screenshot is for Home use only and clearly says so at the top.

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This computer is not on a company server.  I use windows 10 home editions.  The install worked on one of my computers but not on another that I use.

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by the way when purchasing there are no guidelines given that one option is for home use and another option is for business use....whatever that means.  I am a novice...I do not understand the difference between home use and business use.  Furthermore, the error code does not define anything....it does not tell one what the issue is.  I purchased the program to use it and I expect some type of tech support to explain things...simply replying by asking if this is a business computer does not give me any understanding of the issues.  If there is a difference then when selling the product you should say so on the purchase screen.  I am attaching a screenshot of the purchase screen and there is no mention of business vs home use.CCCleanerPurchaseOptions.thumb.PNG.b3a67df4a3aace4fb1d48d42abca4a59.PNG

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Unrelated, but that I know of CCleaner Professional can also be bought as a business without the need to switch to CCleaner Cloud, I don't think a mom-and-pop shop with a single computer that doubles as a PoS terminal should be looking into cloud management 😅, CCleaner usage in that computer shouldn't be considered commercial, there's no financial gain with its use (as opposed to an IT shop using CCleaner on client machines, for example).

In any case, I don't think there's much you can do @lowam, but wait for whoever is doing support for CCleaner to come back to you via email. Even though I have it on good authority that CCleaner employees do frequent this forum, most of us here are just users like you; "ALPHA (0xAB000008)" doesn't tell us anything, except those running the show didn't think it would be better display something actionable for humans instead.

Out of curiosity, you are getting that error in the first stage of inputting the license key? I can't see it clearly, but if I'm not mistaken that's the screen we can see in the License area of the app, after clicking Next there ought to be more. Verify that you are entering the license key correctly, because from what I read in the forum there's also some other ID that corresponds with the sale from Cleverbridge or something. What's the format your license key has? 5 groups of 4 letters and numbers each, separated by hyphens?

If it keeps failing, you may be out of luck until you get to support 😔

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I asked if it was a business machine because your desktop background as posted in that screenshot was a business webpage, including contact details and a prominent telephone contact number.

Most people have a picture as their desktop background, not a company webpage.
So as a moderator I ask myself why would a home user have a business webpage with contact details as their Desktop background?
Theres an obvious reason why someone might post such details for all to see, but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt because it might just be your own business.

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My apologies as I was under the impression that the replies to my question was coming from a CC Cleaner employee......The fact that this forum is ONLY USERS LIKE ME....tells me that I will not renew my license with CC Cleaner.

You are absolutely right JamresRM....non-descript error codes do nothing to educate users. 


The computer is my office computer.  When I sit with clients I have that desktop facing clients....subliminal marketing.....I want them to see the website so that they can tell their friends about it.....hope this clarifies your confusion.

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No problem, I thought it might be something like that.

(But it could also be a sneaky way of a spammer getting their spam into a screenshot on a fourm, you might be surprised at what they try. If I had truly thought that was the case though then we wouldn't be talking about it).

And sorry but I have no idea what that error code signifies either.

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Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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