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CCcleaner showing SSD not HDD

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Hi - Windows 11 Pro - CCleaner v6.22.10977.  There are no SSDs in this PC.  Hard drives only.  Quite a glitch.   Been using CCleaner since it was Crap Cleaner in Beta.  Overall, great program.  Screenshot attached.



HDD not SSD.jpg

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That looks a bit of an unusual setup, with Downloads and the Page File having their own drive letters.
That can happen with the  Pagefile if the OS Drive is not large enough to hold it, I'm not sure about the Downloads unless you have deliberately named a drive/partition as that.

It looks to me that you may have a smaller drive (drive 1) with the Win11 OS on it, and a larger drive (drive 2) partitioned into multiple drive letters.
(That's a fairly common setup with the smaller OS drive being an SSD, often a M2/NVME SSD).

Drives being recognised as the wrong type can be common these days, Windows itself does it and that is probably where CCleaner is picking the drive type up from.
Some of the newer HDDs in particular can look like SSDs to Windows. and particularly if they have onboard caching chips.

What type of drives does Windows Optimise say that they are?
What do other apps (such as Speccy) say that they are?

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nukecad - Thanks for responding.  My "C" drive is 200 GB with 117 GB free space.  The two hard drives are 2TB each.

I have been building my own computers for 25 years.  Since Windows XP Pro I have been putting the Page File on its own my secondary drive and I have not had any problems with CCleaner.  My other PC is running Windows 10 Pro with the same setup as my Windows 11 Pro PC.  No CCleaner problems with the Win 10 PC.

Windows shows the two hard drives as hard drives.

Speccy also shows the hard drives as SSD.


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Being honest I'd just ignore it. (I always do when something shows one of my drives as the wrong type).

As long as you know yourself which drive is what type then that's really all that matters.

PS. If you were to use a wipe on those drives then before doing the wipe CCleaner would warn you that it's a SSD but would let you do it anyway if you still wanted to, so you could still wipe an incorrectly labled HDD.

This is a free space wipe from Tools > Drive Wiper not 'Wipe Free Space' in the Custom Clean settings, but it's the same warning

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