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Removal of Trackers


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Just a Generalized Question here.

I've Noticed the New Format for CCleaner Professional v6.20.10897, with the previous Versions, When You do the *Health Check Scan, usually it Shows how many Trackers were found & could Be Cleaned.

However this Current Version NO Longer shows the Trackers - Does the Software still Scan for & Remove Trackers.?

Thanks for the Help.. Cheers

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Could you screenshot what you are seeing instead of 'trackers'?
Some users are getting a trial of a new interface for Health Check, but not everyone is getting it and I don't have it here.

To answer your question then yes they will still be being removed.
If they have changed then it will just be a change to what Health Check calls them.
Calling them 'trackers' could confuse some users as to what they actually are. (They are just cookies, browser history, etc, - the full name for cookies is 'tracking cookies').

See this for more about what Health Check 'trackers' actually are:


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Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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@nukecad - Nice to See You again .. Thanks for Responding.

Image (1), is what the Health Check Scan results, previously looked like...

Image (2), is what the Health Check Scan results, currently look like ... in fact - There are 3, Cleaning Stages to go through, after You Click on *CLEAN, there is another Page, with more Cleaning Options - However, it doesn't say anything about Trackers, as once Before.

But, I, Do Understand that it's still Detecting & Removing .. However, they are under a Different name ie: Tracking Cookies

Which is Fine, just wanted to make Sure.  Thanks

(1) - PC, Health Check - Before.png

(2) - PC, Health Check - Current.png

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as said those new Health Check screens are being trialed with only some users, so they may (probably will) be tweaked/changed again before being fully rolled out.

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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