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CCleaner stays in System Tray after right-click Recycle Bin Run CCleaner

Paul Smith

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CCleaner stays in the System Tray after I right-click Recycle Bin and run CCleaner even though I have Smart Cleaning and automatic update disabled.  The same thing happens when I run CCleaner.exe /AUTO from the command line.  I don't want CCleaner to ever stay in the System Tray, and it did not do this several revisions ago.  I have the free version of CCleaner for personal home use.

Edited by Paul Smith
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I'm not seeing that here, the CCleaner icon appears in the System Tray, flashes whilst it's cleaning, and then disappears again.

What happens if you click that icon in the tray to open CCleaner and see if it is 'stuck' for some reason?

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When I run it ccleaner by right clicking recycle bin or from command line, it stays in the system tray.  I click it, and it opens as if it is running in the background. This happens on multiple windows 7, 10 and 11 computers.  When I hover over it in the system tray, it says ccleaner ready.  The screenshots below show cclenaer not running in system tray and then staying in system tray after running it from recycle bin.  ccleaner opens if I click it in the system tray.  Again, this happens on every computer I run ccleaner on.

2023-09-26 08_46_51-.png

2023-09-26 08_47_11-CCleaner stays in System Tray after right-click Recycle Bin Run CCleaner - CClea.png

2023-09-26 08_47_29-.png

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I performed addiitonal testing.  I have the Advanced setting "Save all settings to INI file" enabled.  If I disable this setting, the INI file disappears and nothing changes.  I assume the settings are now contained in the registry.

However, if I delete the INI file with "Save all settings to INI file" enabled and run ccleaner from recycle bin or the command line, ccleaner creates a new bare bones INI file and exits correctly, but all my custom settings are lost.

I don't see anything obvious in the INI file that would make it stay in the System Tray after running it from the recycle bin or command line, but I am attaching my INI file.


Edited by Paul Smith
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 I resolved the issue by deleting my old INI file, openning ccleaner to create a new bare bones INI file, and then manually customizing all my settings again based on screen shots I had taken of all my previous settings.  There is definitely something left over from older versions in my old INI file that causes newer versions to stay in the sytem tray when running ccleaner from the recycle bin or command line.

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Thanks for letting us know that you sorted it out.

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Wondering about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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Well this is still a bug that should be investigaged.  This will happen to users who have used ccleaner for a long time with the Advanced setting "Save all settings to INI file" enabled that have a cluttered INI file with settings from previous versions.  Now I have to do the same thing for all my other family members, and it is a huge pain.

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