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Endless Annoying Survey popup


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I repeatedly got a large popup from Kamo, telling me to fill out a user survey to improve Kamo.  It covered about 20% of my screen and I kept dismissing it since I was busy working on other things and did not want to fill out a survey.  Finally, after the 10th time it popped up, yesterday I filled out the darn survey (which didn't ask anything useful really) so it would stop.    Today I start work and...KAMO SURVEY POP UP!  How do I make this stop, other than deleting Kamo which I am about to do.  You could improve Kamo a great deal but getting rid of this survey popup.  This is incredibly annoying and unprofessional.

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Wow, I'm not the only one who is annoyed by this.  In fact I'm so annoyed I removed Kamo this morning.  It's doing what they claim it will stop, becoming an annoying pop up!  I was shocked this company, which has such great products in the past, has stooped to this level.

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same thing here, stop it!!! I am sick and tired of these messages popping up on all my computers every day. I don't know if the people at CCleaner are reading these posts or not but the better put a stop to this or I will be cancelling Camo very, very shortly.

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I sent the CCleaner support team a blistering email about this very annoying problem.  Here my email followed by their response:


Since I purchased Kamo, I endlessly keep getting, every single day, a
message asking me to help build a better Kamo then it goes into a
survey. I went thru it once and I expected it to end right there. Even
tho I unsubscribed to Survey Monkey I still get this message on my
computer every day and I am sick of it. Your forum has several people
complaining about the very same problem. Either you stop it or I will
be cancelling my Kamo subscription completely. Stop it!!!


Their response:

Hi John,

Thank you for your email and I understand it feels receiving survey everyday from Kamo. No worries I have asked my team to look onto this case.

This is currently under review and we will follow-up with you again as soon as possible.

Kind Regards,

Hana | CCleaner Support - Manila, Philippines


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Here is their latest response:

Hi John,
Thank you for patiently waiting. This is a follow up email regarding to your previous correspondence with my colleague Hana. 
She is currently unavailable and in her absence I'll be more than happy to help.
Can you please try to do add surveymonkey.com to the "Cookies to Keep" list of CCleaner, using the following steps?

  1. Open CCleaner > click Options > Cookies
  2. Right-click an empty area of the "Cookies to Keep" column
  3. Click Add
  4. In the "Enter cookie domain name" field, type: *.surveymonkey.com 

However, do let us know if the problem persist after this and we will be more than happy to help.

Kind Regards,

Jonalyn | CCleaner Support - Manila, Philippines


I did as they suggested to both of my computers so we will see what happens.

Edited by jfail
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2 hours ago, jfail said:

I have been out for several hours, came home, same popups on both computers so their so-called fix did not do a damn thing.

That would actually be expected to happen, just the once.

The 'fix' given by support will only kick in after you have seen one more survey following applying the 'cookie to keep' fix.

The support email could have explained that better.

It would work like this :-

  • When the survey is shown it sets a surveymonkey cookie to say you've seen it, and then surveymonkey won't show it to you again for a while.
  • But CCleaner was clearing that cookie, so surveymonkey didn't know that you'd already seen the survey and so sent it again and again.
  • The fix for that is to tell CCleaner to keep the cookie. But for there to be a cookie to keep you have get it again, which means getting/seeing one more survey to set the cookie again.
  • Once you have the cookie again and CCleaner is no longer clearing it then that should stop the survey from popping up again for a while.

So you apply the 'cookie to keep', you see one more survey which sets up the cookie, the cookie stops you seeing another survey for a while.

(The real fix would be to make that cookie a 'default keep' in CCleaner so that CCleaner always keeps it anyway. They might do that in the next CCleaner update? But for now you have to set the 'keep' yourself).

I hope that explains it better.


1 hour ago, MonikaCC said:

I was going to file a ticket as well but I can't even find where to do that.  Can anyone point me to that, please?

You can use the form here: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Set the request type dropdown to "general enquiries, etc." (there's only the one option anyway) and then in the dropdown for 'Product' select Kamo.

Alternatively, if you don't like forms, you can email them direct: support@ccleaner.com

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I just got this from Piriform support:

Hana (Piriform Support)

Aug 10, 2022, 23:21 GMT+1
Hi John,
Good day to you. You should not repeatedly see the survey request so we suspect it could be related to cookies.
Kindly also disable the "Web cookies" cleaning option in Kamo, using these steps:

    Open Kamo > click Browser cleanup
    (If applicable) click "MODIFY"
    Uncheck "Web cookies" > click SAVE

Please let me know the result. 

Kind Regards,

Hana | CCleaner Support - Manila, Philippines

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So let me understand this. Their fix for the annoying feature of endless popups that they have foisted on to us is to suggest that we disable and degrade their software that we have purchased from them. Perhaps, instead of that, whatever update process pushed this round of torment on to us could be utilized again to remove it. Post haste.

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What they suspect is that surveymonkey relies on a cookie to know if it's already sent you the survey or not.

Kamo (and CCleaner) both clear cookies so surveymonkey can't see their cookie on your machine, and so doesn't know that it's already sent you the survey once.

Kamo/CCleaner can't stop surveymonkey using cookies, so they are suggesting how you can stop the cookie from being cleared.

I do agree that they should have thought about that before using surveymonkey to do the survey for them.

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1 hour ago, nukecad said:


I do agree that they should have thought about that before using surveymonkey to do the survey for them.

Terrible way to solve the problem isn't. 

You must keep the cookie...sort of defeats the object of having a cookie cleaner doesn't it.

I wonder if they did a deal?


Support contact





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Got this from support this morning:


Megan (Piriform Support)

Aug 15, 2022, 21:41 GMT+1

Hi John,
First of all, we sincerely apologize for any trouble this has caused to you as we had discovered how the survey request was not working as intended.
I can confirm that we've resolved this issue so as of now, you should no longer be seeing a pop-up survey request from Kamo.
However if you happen to see any additional survey requests, or if you notice any other issues, please let me know; I'll be more than happy to help!


Megan | CCleaner Support - San Antonio, Tx

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