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Recuva Portable


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I have Recuva Portable on my PC and now I saw, that there is a new version available.
Where do I get the portable version?

Thank you for your help.

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Just guessing but I'd say there probably won't be a portable as the only new is telemetry and that goes against the idea of portable




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3 hours ago, Nergal said:

Just guessing but I'd say there probably won't be a portable as the only new is telemetry and that goes against the idea of portable



But Recuva successfully works as a portable edition... It comes every time to install it and copy files =(

It would be nice to have a portable version like CCleaner

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I am using CCleaner and Recuva portable, because on this machine I can not install any applications.
But using portable versions is working.

So, when there is no more portable version of Recuva, then I have to search for an alternative tool (what would be sad, because Recuva has a good UX).

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You misunderstand portable, to my knowledge, is not permanently canceled,  this version doesn't have a portable because (at my guess only) because the only thing added is telemetry to see how people use it




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21 hours ago, Nergal said:

the only thing added is telemetry to see how people use it

It isn't actually an update. Like Nergal stated it just adds in telemetry.

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Dave CCleaner
22 hours ago, Nergal said:

portable, to my knowledge, is not permanently canceled,  this version doesn't have a portable because (at my guess only) because the only thing added is telemetry to see how people use it

Nergal is an astute observer of history. Piriform does not always release portable versions at the same time as the main release.  And in this case, it was an interim release with only a build increment (from 1.53.1087 to 1.53.2065) rather than a version update release, and with no functionality added - so no update to the portable version.

In a similar fashion, we updated the Defraggler, Recuva and Speccy installers back in 2020 - but since there was no change to the product itself, there was no need for a portable release at that time either.

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  • 1 year later...

For CCleaner there is the "Download builds" page (https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds) available, where I can download CCleaner Portable.
For Speccy this page is existing (https://www.ccleaner.com/speccy/builds) but does not contain and portable version.
For Recuva and Defraggler these pages are even not existing.

I can not install any apps on this machine, I only can use portable applications.
So I can not use Speccy, Recuva and Defraggler anymore, what is really a pitty!

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You stated in your first post of this thread that you already have Recuva portable.

So you can use that - it's portable.

Portable just means that it is meant to be carried round from machine to machine on a USB stick so that there is no need to install it on each machine.
If you want it on the machine itself rather than on a stick then just copy/paste it onto the machine, it's portable so it doesn't need to be installed.

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I exactly know, what portable means, I have many apps as portable apps, because this is the only way I can execute them.

Unfortunately, I have lost some portable apps, and Recuva is one of them (no, I have no backup of apps, but I do have backups on 3 external HDDS of my data).
It is no longer downloadable, so no change to download even an older version.

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You hadn't said that you had lost the one that you had before.

Can you say more about why you can't simply install Recuva on this machine?

If it's because you are running Windows S mode and so can only install apps from the Microsoft Srore then Recuva is available on the MS store

As are Speccy and CCleaner itself:

If there is another reason why you can't install apps then we may be able to suggest some other way if we know what that reason is?

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I can execute portable applications (if they are placed in the folder "C:\Executables", but when I run any installer (no matter what filename it has), it is blocked (insufficient permissions).

Yes, I also placed the installer into C:\Executables

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So it's a permissions issue that prevents you installing anything.

Is this your own computer, works computer, university computer, something else ...?
What Windows version is it running?
Are you logged in as an Administartor account or a standard user account?

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Before we try to "hack" the system or bypass any security restrictions: let me use the portable versions of Recuva, Defraggler and Speccy.
CCleaner is luckily available as portable version, so I can use it without any problems.

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We are not trying to "hack" anything or "bypass security". (I wouldn't help anyone trying to do that).

But if your system isn't working as it should to allow installs then I would have thought you would have wanted to get it working properly?

If however this is something such as a works machine where software installs are not allowed by company policy then using portable versions will also (usually) be prohibited by that policy.

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It is a limitation by the company, but I have the permission to execute portable applications from one specific folder.
Reason is, that I need some tools for my work task, so I have a special permission.
This way only portable versions are working.

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I understand.

Unfortunately there hasn't been a Recuva portable on the builds page for some years now.

I've sent you a PM.

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I really don't know the structures at Piriform (if forum moderators are employees or volunteers), but it would be perfect, if you @nukecad can encourage the developers to update all build pages with portable versions.
This saves us all many many forum postings.

Thank you very much!

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The Moderators here are not employees.

We are knowledgeable  members who have shown a willingness, and more importantly an ability, to help others.

If such members are good, and/or if a new member of the moderation  team is wanted/needed then they will get invited to do a bit extra to help people.

So although we appear on the list of 'staff' we are not employees.

We do have a bit of a  'more listened to' voice though and we we can encourage changes.

At times we moderators may not agree with company policy, to give credit to Piriform we can do that on the open forum. But in the end it is their company and so their decision.

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6 hours ago, nukecad said:

We do have a bit of a  'more listened to' voice though and we we can encourage changes.

To that point i recently asked for the return of recuva portable, so it can be loaded on a flash drive (preferably on a different pc) and used from there, reducing data loss to the affected drive. So there are others who wish for builds to return.

Edited by Nergal




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Thank you, @Nergal

I am a computer expert and unfortunately the "hotline" of many friends and family members.
Here Speccy Portable would be useful to get their system specs.
Recuva Portable would be very useful to recover files they have accidental deleted.

And for those tasks a portable application would be the best option, because I don't have to install anything on their machines (the PC of my brother crashed, and he blamed me because I installed something, luckily it was just a portable application, so I could explain, that it was not my fault).
I must admit, that my brother calls me at least 2 times a week for PC "issues" and that I am happy that he finds the power switch himself now.

Therefore, portable versions are extremely important for my "supporting noobs and getting nothing for it" job.
This is the second reason (besides my work PC) why I need portable versions.

So, please don't forget Speccy Portable.

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Thank you @hazelnut , for personal usage the files from PortableApps.com are fine (I am also a donator of PorttableApps.com, so I know them).
But these are 3rd party repacks, not official builds from the vendors.
At work I will never use 3rd party repacks, because they can contain malware (in the current repack or in a future version).

I work in a huge company (more than 10.000 clients) and using 3rd party repacks is too dangerous.
I don't want to risk my job, just because I infect the systems with malware.

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I want to use Recuva just on my PC in case I accidental delete a file.
My boss will not allow to order it, he will tell me to uninstall it.

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