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Google translate...

hello I would like more information regarding a license where I make the payment by boleto and not receive an email when I went to see I had made the payment but I had not made my registration and now what should I do I would like more information


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Firstly check your email 'spam' folder to see if the registration email is in there.

If it's not there then you need to contact support, we cannot deal with licencing/purchase issues on the open forum as we cannot access the required information.

You should not post any personal or licensing information on the forum.

You should email your query to support@ccleaner.com

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Guest MeganCCleaner

Olá @Diego Silveira Em primeiro lugar, desculpe quaisquer erros em minha mensagem, pois estou usando o Google Translate.

Nossa equipe de suporte ficará feliz em ajudar com isso.

Eles têm permissão para contatá-lo por e-mail, usando o mesmo endereço que está registrado em sua conta do fórum?

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