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i was lookin through it and found this,


[RenFiles]; Similar section but for file renaming to create .bak if needed  MIDIMAP.CFG,MIDIMAP.OLD  ADLIB.DRV,MSADLIB.DRV; The win.apps, win.games, win.scrs, win.bmps, and win.readme sections are; all formatted as described below.;; X:FileName,	  Description,	 FileSize,   Profile String;; Where profile string is used by setup.exe to "lookup" the item in the; appropiate progman groups section to determine if and how the item is; to be added to a Program manager group via DDE. The profile string is; also used to "lookup" and needed dependent files in the [win.dependents]; section.;[win.apps]  5:CALC.EXE,	 "Calculator"				,  43072, calc  4:CALENDAR.EXE, "Calendar"				  ,  59824, calendar  4:CARDFILE.EXE, "Cardfile"				  ,  93184, cardfile  4:CLOCK.EXE,	"Clock"					 ,  16416, clock  3:NOTEPAD.EXE,  "Notepad"				   ,  32736, notepad  5:PBRUSH.EXE,   "Paintbrush"				, 183168, pbrush  4:TERMINAL.EXE, "Terminal"				  , 148160, terminal  5:CALC.HLP,	 "Calculator Help"		   ,  18076  5:CALENDAR.HLP, "Calendar Help"			 ,  20656  4:CARDFILE.HLP, "Cardfile Help"			 ,  24810  4:NOTEPAD.HLP,  "Notepad Help"			  ,  13894  4:PBRUSH.HLP,   "Paintbrush Help"		   ,  40269  3:RECORDER.EXE, "Recorder"				  ,  39152, recorder  3:RECORDER.HLP, "Recorder Help"			 ,  18200  4:TERMINAL.HLP, "Terminal Help"			 ,  36279  4:PACKAGER.EXE, "Object Packager"		   ,  76480, packager  3:PACKAGER.HLP, "Object Packager Help"	  ,  21156  3:CHARMAP.EXE,  "Character Map"			 ,  22016, charmap  4:CHARMAP.HLP,  "Character Map Help"		,  10797  5:MPLAYER.EXE,  "Media Player"			  ,  33312, mplayer  3:MPLAYER.HLP,  "Media Player Help"		 ,  12825  4:SOUNDREC.EXE, "Sound Recorder"			,  51241, soundrec  3:SOUNDREC.HLP, "Sound Recorder Help"	   ,  17730  6:CLIPBRD.HLP,  "Clipboard Viewer Help"	 ,  13071  4:DRWATSON.EXE, "Dr. Watson System Utility" ,  26864  5:PIFEDIT.HLP,  "PIF Editor Help"		   ,  33270  4:PRINTMAN.HLP, "Print Manager Help"		,  40879  5:PROGMAN.HLP,  "Program Manager Help"	  ,  30911  6:REGEDIT.HLP,  "Registration Help"		 ,  22681  5:REGEDITV.HLP, "Registration Advanced Help",  15731  3:WINFILE.HLP,  "File Manager Help"		 ,  76855  3:WINTUTOR.EXE, "Windows Tutorial"		  , 124416, wintutor  3:WINHELP.HLP,  "Help Utility Help"		 ,  26960  3:GLOSSARY.HLP, "Glossary Help"			 ,  46570  3:EXPAND.EXE,   "File Expansion Utility"	,  15285  diskspace=1506946[win.dependents]pbrush   = 4:PBRUSH.DLLrecorder = 3:RECORDER.DLLwintutor = 4:WINTUTOR.DAT[win.games]  4:SOL.EXE,	  "Solitaire"		, 180688, sol  4:WINMINE.EXE,  "Minesweeper"	  ,  27776, winmine  5:SOL.HLP,	  "Solitaire Help"   ,  13753  4:WINMINE.HLP,  "Minesweeper Help" ,  12754  diskspace=234971[win.scrs]  4:SCRNSAVE.SCR, "Default Screen Saver"	 ,   5328  4:SSMARQUE.SCR, "Marquee Screen Saver"	 ,  16896  4:SSMYST.SCR,   "Mystify Screen Saver"	 ,  19456  4:SSSTARS.SCR,  "Stars Screen Saver"	   ,  17536  3:ssflywin.scr, "Flying Windows Screen Saver",  16160  diskspace=75376[win.bmps]  4:256COLOR.BMP, "256-Color Wallpaper"	  ,   5078  6:ARCADE.BMP,   "Arcade Wallpaper"		 ,	630  4:ARCHES.BMP,   "Arches Wallpaper"		 ,  10358  3:ARGYLE.BMP,   "Argyle Wallpaper"		 ,	630  3:CARS.BMP,	 "Cars Wallpaper"		   ,	630  6:CASTLE.BMP,   "Castle Wallpaper"		 ,	778  5:CHITZ.BMP,	"Chitz Wallpaper"		  ,  19918  5:EGYPT.BMP,	"Egypt Wallpaper"		  ,	630  3:FLOCK.BMP,	"Flock Wallpaper"		  ,   1630  4:HONEY.BMP,	"Honey Wallpaper"		  ,	854  4:MARBLE.BMP,   "Marble Wallpaper"		 ,  27646  4:RIVETS.BMP,   "Rivets Wallpaper"		 ,	630  3:REDBRICK.BMP, "Red Brick Wallpaper"	  ,	630  6:SQUARES.BMP,  "Squares Wallpaper"		,	630  4:TARTAN.BMP,   "Tartan Wallpaper"		 ,  32886  4:THATCH.BMP,   "Thatch Wallpaper"		 ,	598  4:WINLOGO.BMP,  "Windows Logo Wallpaper"   ,  38518  3:ZIGZAG.BMP,   "Zigzag Wallpaper"		 ,	630  6:LEAVES.BMP,   "Leaves Wallpaper"		 ,  15118  5:ding.wav,	 "Ding Sound"			   ,  11598  3:chord.wav,	"Chord Sound"			  ,  24982  4:chimes.wav,   "Chimes Sound"			 ,  15920  4:tada.wav,	 "Trumpet Sound"			,  27804  5:canyon.mid,   "Canyon MIDI Song"		 ,  33883  diskspace=272609[win.readme]  3:readme.wri,   "General Readme"		   ,  92928, readme  3:networks.wri, "Networks Readme"		  ,  62336  3:winini.wri,   "Win.ini Readme"		   ,  31104  3:sysini.wri,   "System.ini Readme"		,  52864  3:printers.wri, "Printers Readme"		  ,  41984  3:apps.hlp,	 "Application Compatibility Help",  15930  diskspace=297146; The [*.groups] sections maps a group section to the group name used in; Program Manager.;; Section Name = Progman group name, Min/Max switch. ( 1 = Max, nothing = Min).;; This section is used for upgrading from 3.X to 3.1.[new.groups]group7=Main,1group1=StartUpgroup2=Accessoriesgroup6=Games; This section is for new install.[progman.groups]group3=Main,1group4=Accessoriesgroup5=Gamesgroup1=StartUp; Progman DDE control section. This section controls the progman DDE and defines which; .exe's will be added to which groups. The [progman.groups] sections lists section; names that each describe the contents of that group.;; Description string,  .EXE name, Icon extraction .EXE, Icon extraction index, profile;; If the profile field is left NULL, the item will always be added to the group. Otherwise; the item will only be added if it was installed via the partial install dlg.;;; NOTE: If EXE name is NULL item will be deleted from the group if it exists there.;[group3]"File Manager",	 WINFILE.EXE"Control Panel",	CONTROL.EXE"Print Manager",	PRINTMAN.EXE"Clipboard Viewer", CLIPBRD.EXE"MS-DOS Prompt",	DOSPRMPT.PIF, PROGMAN.EXE, 9"Windows Setup",	SETUP.EXE"PIF Editor",	   PIFEDIT.EXE"Read Me",		  README.WRI,,,							  readme[group4]"Write",			WRITE.EXE"Paintbrush",	   PBRUSH.EXE,,,							  pbrush"Terminal",		 TERMINAL.EXE,,,							terminal"Notepad",		  NOTEPAD.EXE,,,							 notepad"Recorder",		 RECORDER.EXE,,,							recorder"Cardfile",		 CARDFILE.EXE,,,							cardfile"Calendar",		 CALENDAR.EXE,,,							calendar"Calculator",	   CALC.EXE,,,								calc"Clock",			CLOCK.EXE,,,							   clock"Object Packager",  PACKAGER.EXE,,,							packager"Character Map",	CHARMAP.EXE,,,							 charmap"Media Player",	 MPLAYER.EXE,,,							 mplayer"Sound Recorder",   SOUNDREC.EXE,,,							soundrec[group5]"Solitaire",		SOL.EXE,,,								 sol"Minesweeper",	  WINMINE.EXE,,,							 winmine[group1]"Dr. Watson"[group2]"Object Packager",  PACKAGER.EXE,,,							packager"Character Map",	CHARMAP.EXE,,,							 charmap"Media Player",	 MPLAYER.EXE,,,							 mplayer"Sound Recorder",   SOUNDREC.EXE,,,							soundrec"PIF Editor""Write",			WRITE.EXE[group6]"Solitaire",		SOL.EXE,,,								 sol"Minesweeper",	  WINMINE.EXE,,,							 winmine[group7]"PIF Editor",	   PIFEDIT.EXE"Read Me""DOS Prompt""MS-DOS Prompt",	DOSPRMPT.PIF, PROGMAN.EXE, 9"Read Me",		  README.WRI,,,							  readme"Tutorial"


this is found at C:\WINDOWS\system\setup.inf

how can i add something to that list of shortcuts and what do the numbers mean at the beginning and end?

any good sites to learn more about this piece of "code"?

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I don't know what to tell you about finding out more details and such however I will say you should change that long ass code into a codebox which is available via the BB Code Help on the left.

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thanks, didnt know how to do that till now. any guides to add a program to the run in the start menu?


EDIT: thread has been moved to here, http://forums.majorgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=93056

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